FitDog Friday~6 Dog Events To Keep Your Dog Fit

Dog Events to keep your dog fit.

1. Hunt test training with friends at a club event.

2. Dock Jumping- Ultimate Air Dogs UKC- United Kennel Club/Dock Diving- Dock Dogs AKC-American Kennel Club

3. Lure Coursing AKC-American Kennel Club/UKC– United Kennel Club

4. Agility AKC– American Kennel Club/UKC– United Kennel Club

5. Nosework UKC– United Kennel Club

6. Obedience UKC, Rally Obedience UKC– United Kennel Club/Obedience AKC-American Kennel Club, Rally Obedience AKC- American Kennel Club


This past Saturday the Sand Spring gang participated in #1. We went to the American Chesapeake Club WI Chessie Day held in Oregon, WI. It was a fun day of hanging out with other Chesapeake owners and letting the dogs do some hunt test training. We did both a land and water series so the dogs got to work different muscles. Here are the pictures from the day.




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And sometimes you just need to take a break.

And sometimes you just need to take a break.

All photos were taken by my friend Irene Pawlish while I was running the dogs.

So if not sure what to do to keep your dog fit try looking  up some of these events in your area and get out and have some fun, make new friends and keep your dog fit.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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15 Replies to “FitDog Friday~6 Dog Events To Keep Your Dog Fit”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Many thanks for shring your adventure and your photos with me, it’s great to see them in action :o)What kind of bird has Gambler? It looks a little like the vulture of Lucky Luke :o)

  2. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    What fun! Can’t believe y’all are still wearin’ coats, but I guess if we were back in the mountains my Human would be bundled up too!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Frankie and Ernie

    Grrrrreat Pictures of a super time. WE just dig HOLES to keep in shape…

  4. mollieandalfie

    Getz my room ready I’mz coming for a holiday’z to doo’z all that fun stuff 🙂 and I’mz not bringing’z Gaylord! Bawahhhahaha xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Beth

    What wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing. It looks like the dogs really love this! My pup hates getting wet, so I’m pretty sure this isn’t the sport for us, but we love agility and noseworks 🙂

  6. Emmadog

    Great list. We are in the nose work but Bailie will be starting tracking too in August. The problem is the time commitment for everything and that dreadful thing called “work” that gets in the way of Mom having fun!

  7. Jan K

    That looks like it was a fantastic day, and it’s great you got so many wonderful photos. I love to watch the dock diving when it’s at our local fairs, and I’m hoping we might get Luke into either that or agility.