FitDog Friday~The Second Chance Fund

Looking for a way to keep your dog fit during the weekend? Check out your local event’s that are dog friendly and go join them. Most Humane Society’s and Rescue groups have fund raisers during the spring and summer months that include walks for you and your pet. It is a way to raise money for their organization, it gives you and your pet something to do on the weekend and keeps you both fit. A win win situation for everyone involved.

This past weekend I joined The Second Chance Fund for their annual Doggie Dash. A 2 mile walk or run if you would like with your dog(s).

I took both Gambler and Glory.

photo 1


Glory with her silly fish glasses on.

Glory with her silly fish glasses on.

Gambler with his silly glasses on.

Gambler with his silly glasses on.

And we're off.

And we’re off.

So many people and their dogs.

So many people and their dogs.

Half way done.

Half way done.

The walking group.

The walking group.

Gambler wanted to play with all the other dogs at the walk. A fun event to meet new people and their dogs as well as doing something fit.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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12 Replies to “FitDog Friday~The Second Chance Fund”

  1. easyweimaraner

    How great, walks are fabulous and walks for a good cause are THE BEST. I hope you met a lot of nice people and funny dogs!Have a great weekend :o)

  2. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    It’s a great fun thing to do! Congrats on takin’ 2 of us! Have fun at your seminar.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. peggyspetplace

    Walks for good causes are double beneficial! I love that last photo, what a great looking gang!

  4. Jan K

    It looks like you had a great day! I love those fundraising walks….they are such a good way to get some exercise while doing something for a good cause. it’s also so much fun to see all of the other dogs! Glory and Gambler looked great in their bandanas and funny glasses!

  5. 2browndawgs

    That looks like a great event. I like that you got the walking pictures.

    Can you believe how far behind I am? Finally a morning to catch up some. 🙂