Follow-Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Jodi’s co-hostess for today is Pup Fan from I Still Want More Puppies

Black And White Sunday~Ruff Night


Once again I forgot to save a copy of the color photo before I changed it to black and white so you get this photo which is most like the original.


Monday Mischief~Ruff Night #2


MARCIE says:

Aww, sorry the day went a little less than ideal. Hope the next one goes better!


Oh, that’s a lotta mischief. Love the photos of them drowning their sorrows. They’ll get ‘em next time!

The next test is this weekend so hopefully we won’t need the wine for drowning our sorrows but for celebrating.

Tuesday’s Tails



This face just melts my heart, help Shotsie find a home.

Shotsie is a 4 yr old Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Labrador Retriever mix.  Shotsie is housebroken, loves water and loves to play ball.  She is very affectionate and is ok with most dogs. She is spayed and up to date on shots.  She is $195.00  plus tax. If you are interested in Shotsie you can call 715-307-0200 or email us at, put Shotsie on the subject line. You must complete an application prior to making an appointment to see the dog. All of our animals are micro-chipped and have had flea and tick prevention treatments. Most of our dogs have been working with a trainer and have undergone basic leash training. Some are also working on obedience training.

Wordless Wednesday~Marsh Kitty



She looks like she sees Gambler running straight at her!!! Look out Marsh Kitty!

He was running right at her, this was taken after our tasty treat photo session for a upcoming blog and Gambler was eating his tasty treat and growling at MK and making her run away.


That’s great you let your cat go out. I bet the fresh air feels good.

Sugar, since I got her when she was three weeks old she doesn’t know she is suppose to be a cat. She had been so imprinted by the dogs she thinks she is one of them. When I open the door to let the dogs go out potty she will wake up from a dead sleep and run out with them, then come in with them.

This ‘N That Thursday~Guess What?


The crown knuckle give away by Jones Natural Chews


OMD do you have any idea how you MADE US LAUGH!!???

If I made one person laugh and smile then my job was complete!


I love it! The photos are great and the video is pawtastic. That Jones company really knows how to make some tasty treats!

I am lucky we have a store near us that carry’s Jones Treats. They are nummy, or at least the dogs tell/show me so.


Glory is so patient with G-man :) and sweet to share with Norman…She must be the pack peacemaker

Gizmo, you hit the nail on the head with Glory. I was trying to think of a word to describe her and peacemaker is the word. She is so laid back and doesn’t make any waves. Now she can growl if she has a tasty treat she doesn’t want anyone else to have (namely gman).


You know you could hire Gman out to open packages for people. He could earn extra money to pay his hunt test entries…lol.

I love this idea as we are going broke! He needs to start paying his way!

Glory needs your votes. I entered Glory’s puppy picture in the Pheasant Forever 2nd annual photo contest. Go to this link  and look for glory_stancer and vote for her. You can vote once a day until August 15, 2013. If you have multiple email addresses you can vote with each one. Your help is needed and I thank you for it!

This is the picture I entered.


One last tid bit, if you didn’t see my Tuesday Blog Post on Rain Forest Coastal Labs Shampoo click HERE and leave me a comment to be entered into the shampoo give away.



That’s it for this weeks edition of FUF. Have a great weekend. We’re off to a UKC HRC hunt test.

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15 Replies to “Follow-Up Friday”

  1. Jodi

    Thank you for joining the blog hop, I always love having you!

    It looks like I’ve missed a lot this week! I can’t wait to get back to civilization and catch up on my blog reading, there just has to be a better way!

    I take it last week’s hunt test did not go well. 🙁 I’m sorry to hear that, have you been doing hunt tests long?

    MK. We had our daughter’s cat live with us for a while and he acted a lot like the dogs too, I wonder why that is? It sure is cute, whatever the reason.

    Have a great weekend and good luck on your tests!!

  2. GizmoGeodog

    I just voted twice for Glory and tweeted both votes…make sure and put “gentle reminders” on your posts so I’l remember to go back and vote every day

  3. Dogs N Pawz

    I voted 3 times and then it wouldn’t let me vote anymore:( I was going to use the kids and hubby’s email addresses too! I’ll try again later. Hope she wins!

  4. 2browndawgs

    Best of luck on this weekend’s tests! Gambler you cooperate–K? I shared the contest link on my blog’s FB page. It is a great picture and deserves votes. Have a nice weekend. 🙂