Follow Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Heart Like A Dog has a new co-hostess. Should you pop over to her blog at any given point in time you’ll see a story or a photo of Louise, Sofie Bear, Nine, Noel or Baby Stella. They could be taking a trip to the docks or watching flowers grow. Sometimes, they’re complaining because mom hurt her knee and can’t take them for their walkies. She posts every day (sometimes more than once) whatever the topic, there’s no doubt she loves her zoo. (Her words not mine.)

Please help her welcome Lorian from Dogdaz

Black And White Sunday

DSC_0496 (2)

Slim Doggy asked: “How did you do this?”

I use Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro to edit my pictures. In this program there was a photo effects tab that when I clicked on it there were different things I could do to the picture. The first effect listed was Old Newspaper. When I clicked on it I could change to to look 10 years old up to 100 years old. These pictures were set at 100 years old.

Monday Mischief


I got a number of nice comments on how cute Norman was as a puppy. I thought Norman was a cute puppy also. Here is a picture of him as an adult causing mischief with the bumpers. He liked to grab 2 or 3 bumpers at a time when the trainer was working on blinds with him so the trainer learned to run Norman last so he would only get one bumper and then he didn’t have to walk out there and replace the bumpers he had brought back.


Tuesday Tails

We along with some other bloggers joined Dogs N Pawz for their very first Tuesday Tails Blog Hop. Hopefully all the featured dogs plus some got adopted because of this blog hop.

Wordless Wednesday


Fleabyte said: “I just love the intensity of a hunting dog.”

That is what makes a great hunting dog, one with intensity and wants to do the work. You can see the intensity in our chessie’s eyes when they are training or hunting. People will say they have “crazy eyes” and in a way they do but to me that means they go at it with their whole heart.

This ‘N That Thursday

I posted up pictures of this past Sundays AKC Senior test. We were thrown a curve ball with the land blind being on the edge of the water and then a water blind that the dog had to do by passing over a area like the area where the land blind was placed. This messed up a bunch of young dogs and they thought they were suppose to look for the water blind on the edge of the bank like they did for the land blind. I couldn’t get Gambler into the water. He was fixed on thinking he knew where the blind was since he just picked one up from that location.

2 Brown Dawgs said: “So the land blind was on the edge of the water? That water blind sounds very difficult (and a bit unfair for a Senior test). Glad you got through most of it.”

Thank you, I thought it was unfair too, one because it is early in the season so not much training has been done on dogs that stay in WI and two because senior tests have a number of young dogs running and this was hard for a young dog. Below is the picture of the land blind placement then a drawing of the land and water test so you can see the corrlation of what they had to do for the land and water blind.


The land blind on the edge of the water ran from about 50 yards up on land towards the water.

2013-05-02 21.09.02

The top picture with the dotted lines shows where the water blind was placed along with the water marks for the second series. The land blind mark on this picture is where the land blind was in the first series. It was a little further to the left around a bend but not by much. The bottom picture shows the land series and land blind which was the first series run. So you can see in for the land blind the dog had to run to the edge of the water to pick up the blind and on the water blind the dog had to run over the edge of the water and into the water, across the pond to the cattails. The edge of the water is what messed up the young dogs. I digress!

To end my Thursday I ended up hitting a deer on my way home from work. I hit the deer a mile from my house and it did some pretty good damage. Before I hit the deer I had just thought to myself “if a deer runs into the side of my car I’m not getting it fixed and I will drive around the demolation car” well it was a minute later that I hit the deer and it did the most damage any deer had ever done to my car.

2013-05-02 20.13.26

My poor car!

I would like to take a moment to say Thank you to Miss Harper Lee, she was nice enough to award me with the WordPress Family Award, I was her 100 follower. I will properly thank her later.

That’s it for this weeks FUF. Hope you all had a good week and have a good weekend. I am off to a 3 day dog show with Miss Glory. Wish us luck Smile

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17 Replies to “Follow Up Friday”

  1. dogdaz

    Thanks for the shout out and the blind lesson or the lesson on blinds, BOL. Yes I love my zoo (my words). Looking forward to seeing your Chessy work it! I live on the bay.

  2. Dogs N Pawz

    Thank you for mentioning the blog hop! I hope you are okay! That’s an awful way to end your day:( Norman was adorable as a puppy! Our Chessie, Ash, was the cutest little puppy too! Chessies are so precious when they are little!

  3. FleaByte

    Holy schamoly. Deer are pretty and sweet, right? Looks like deer are careless, irresponsible creatures with no regard to the welfare of others. Shoot it.

  4. Heart Like A Dog (@HeartLikeADog)

    Thanks for joining us on FUF, it’s good to have you. I too think Norman was an adorable puppy, there is something about those eyes.

    It really sucks about the deer, I have similar things happen, I think of something and a minute or so later it happens. I’ve come to trust this as my intuition. If I’m driving down the road and think I haven’t seen a cop in a while, I’ll slow down because sure enough, there will be cop close by. Maybe that was your intuition. I’m glad you were okay, it could have been much, much worse! BTW did the deer die?

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      You are so welcome, I love FUF. I should of trusted my intuition and slowed down! lol I am ok and I went back to the crime scene and I didn’t see the deer. It probably has one hell of a headacke from smashing his head into my windshield.

  5. Miss Harper Lee

    Wow, scary incident with the deer. Obviously the care is not ok, but my humans and I certainly hope that you are. And I love the story about Norman collecting the bumpers. Sounds to me like Norman managed to train his trainer. Good dog, Norman!

  6. 2browndawgs

    That water test looks extremely difficult to me. Those marks are so close together and close to the water blind. It is a good thing they were not running hot blinds. Thunder would have gotten all the birds at once…lol. We have never run a senior test with the land blind at the water. For that matter, we have never run a test where everything was in a confined space like that. Just more things to train. 🙂 Love the pictures with Norman and all the bumpers in his mouth all at once…lol.

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      The blind was hot. There was a guy siting in a boat in the cattails that would throw the bird in front of the cattails in a little dip in the cattails after the dog picked up the blind. The first mark that went down also went down in a little pocket of water that had cat tails in front of it. When I went back to look who passed all the dogs that went WAY of course and hacked there way to the blind passed so it pretty much was if you got the blind no matter how bad it looked and that you were off line by 30 ft you passed.

      JoAnn Stancer N8767 Larson Rd Cambria, WI 53923 920-948-7738

      1. 2browndawgs

        Were those HRC judges? That looks/sounds more like an HRC Seasoned test and judging. lol Actually HRC does require the dog to challenge the blind. I hate test set ups like that.

  7. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    Wow that is too bad about your car but at least you are okay.

    I love that picture of Norman with the bumpers and I did notice he had a little grass too, lookin like a country boy 😉

  8. tylersat99

    First Congratulations on your award I am a little behind on mine. I’m very sorry you hit the deer and glad you are OK. I did that 2 years ago and it really scared me he came out of no where in a residential area. I love you week sum up, you do not go into my email notice so I have to come find you and sometimes do not get there. I really miss reading your blog when I don’t get to it. Good Luck to you and Glory this weekend 🙂

    1. JoAnn

      i wonder why my notice doesn’t go to your email. i will check it out. did you try rentering your email again or check your spam box. so far glory and i are showing good. will post ip results tomorrow. we have one more show today. have a great day

      JoAnn Stancer Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android-powered phone