Follow-Up Friday

Follow-Up Friday is brought to you by Jodi at Heart Like A Dog.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
I forgot to post up this Easter picture of Gambler and Glory on Easter so I am sharing it now.
Remember this picture from yesterday? This is a picture taken on Easter of the dogs playing in the water in the marsh across the street from our house.
This is so much fun.

This is so much fun.

This is a picture of the same marsh across the street taken on Thursday. The water is almost completely gone. Guess the dogs had fun in it while they could.


Everyone got a chuckle out of Turbin Glory on Wordless Wednesday. She was getting a bath last week as she was going to a dog show on the weekend. She did a excellent job at the show and won Winners Bitch both days for 2 more AKC points. This is a video of Glory’s mom Nellie that I took awhile ago after she got a bath. I named it Turbin Nellie so I thought I would share it with you today.

Have a great weekend!

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12 Replies to “Follow-Up Friday”

  1. Jodi

    Hi JoAnn! Thanks so much for joining us on FUF so good to add new friends. Love the pictures, oh my dogs would have such fun in that water, too bad it went away so quickly.

    The video is adorable, how can you not love a dog in a towel?

    Thanks again for joining us, have a great weekend!!

  2. 2browndawgs

    Loved your FUF and the Easter picture. I cannot believe all of that water went away so quickly! The video is hysterical. I was waiting for Nellie to flip Gambler for barking at her. lol First thing Storm does to Freighter every time she sees him is to flip him. Congrats again on Glory’s points!

  3. Sue at Talking Dogs

    Great photos! The creek that runs just outside our backyard fence floods once in a while in heavy rain and our dogs enjoy it as much as yours do that marsh 🙂 Great video! LOL

  4. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    Hard to believe all that water is gone already. I love the Easter photo!! The video is cool and if I had been watching it in the dark I think I would have let out a little scream when Glory jumped up at you, was quite a surprise 😉