Fresh Wave Hits Target Today



What is Fresh Wave and why should you be excited?


Fresh Wave is a new odor eliminator sold exclusively at Target. It is being launched today August 16, 2015.


“Life doesn’t have to stink! With Fresh Wave, odors go away. Happiness Stays.”


“No harsh chemicals. No harmful ingredients. Just natural goodness.”

Fresh Wave has a odor removing spray, odor removing gel, odor removing packs. I was excited when I got this package in the mail. Having 3 Chesapeakes that are always into muck and water, rolling in the stinkiest stuff this couldn’t have come at a better time. I also have other odors in the house that could use some removing.


I first wanted to try out the odor removing gel. I had the perfect spot for it. To open you unscrew the cap, peel off the foil to keep it fresh, put the lid back on and put where you want to remove the odors and let the gel do it’s magic.


Ready to go to it’s perfect spot!


My closet is filled with stinky shoes so this was the place for the odor removing gel.


The closet is also filled with jackets that I got from my friend who smoked. I have tried other odor removers as in sprays, lotions to clean the jackets ect and nothing has worked so far. Each time I open the closet I would get a whoosh of smoke smell. I have been using the Fresh Wave odor removing gel for about a month now and there has been no more whoosh of smoke smell just a fresh crisp to me ocean scent.

odor-removing Gel

Have a whole room that stinks? Or a mighty powerful litter box?You’ll need our Gel. Just open the lid and remove the seal. Replace slotted lid and place gel where odors are strongest. Sniff. Smile. Repeat every 30-60 days. (Hint: The gel will disappear as it evaporates.)


Next I put the odor removing spray in the kitchen so I could use it for tough kitchen smells.


What’s tougher than the smell of garbage?


After taking the garbage out I would spritz the can with the odor removing spray and each time I opened the garbage I got a fresh clean smell.

odor-removing Spray

Spray away odors like you mean it. Don’t cover them up! Our spray can be used on clothing, pet bedding, backpacks, sports gear, shoes and trash cans. Just to name a few. “How?” you ask. Just shake. Spray. Smile. For stronger odors, a few more spritzes will do the trick. When you smell “fresh air,” it’s working. Really. It’s that easy. (Hint: For special materials, like silk, try a little test to avoid water spotting.)


Remember earlier on in the post I said I had 3 Chesapeakes? Well this is the type of odor I have to put up with, Nellie swimming in pea green gak.


Glory shaking her water off but the smell is still left behind. I have a dog room in my house and my car is my dogs car, I have crates and all my dog gear in my car for when we go training so as you can imagine the car and laundry room has a wet dog smell most of the time until now.


Odor removing packs just perfect for setting in area’s where you have more tough odors.


I set the odor removing pack on the window ledge and let it work it’s magic there. The laundry room now smells fresh and clean.


My car no longer has the wet dog smell. Even with the sun roof open I can smell the fresh clean smell circling the car as I drive.

odor-removing Packs

Funny how small spaces can sometimes have a huge odor. Kind of funny, not so funny, huh? Our Fresh Wave packs are great for those situations like car interiors, gym bags, shoes, closets, boats, campers, bagless vacuums, trash cans and that oh-so-powerful diaper pail—just to name a few. Toss them in and toss those odors out. And when you only need one or two packs to do the job, just reseal the bag to keep the other packs smelling freshtastic. Boom! Future odor problem solved.

I am really happy with these products and would recommend them to others who have a hard time finding something that really works at getting odors out.

You can check out their website

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6 Replies to “Fresh Wave Hits Target Today”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    This sounds wonderful. We battle the dreaded “HoundDog House” smell. Actually, I am about to do a major house cleaning day now. Funday Sunday! LOL! I loved your tattoo story! ☺

  2. tylersat99

    You did a great review of the this product and it sounds like it does a great job. we were just in Target Saturday and it wasn’t there yet but will have to look again.