G$ Down The Drain~Monday Mischief

Yesterday you got to see Gamblers 1st AKC Master Hunter pass ribbon on Black And White Sunday. If you didn’t get to see it you can see it here. John ran him that day and he said he was a completely different dog than before when he ran him. He thought he finally got his stuff together and the tests were clicking with him. Little did we know that would all change this past Friday.

I entered Gambler in a double master hunter test. One test started on Friday if you got called back you got to finish the series on Saturday. The second test started on Saturday and finished on Sunday. I asked John if he would run him again since he did so well for him. I went along to cheer them on.

John and Gambler watching 3 marks go down. Now mind you I stayed back by the truck until Gambler was up at the line and then I came to watch but still stayed about 100 yards away.

Gambler running out to the mark (he already picked up the first mark that I couldn’t get a picture of).

Still working.

Gambler couldn’t find the mark so John tried to handle him to the mark. Here he is sitting and waiting for John’s hand signal but here is where the mischief comes in, he wasn’t watching John, he was smelling me.

Coming back to John without the bird. He couldn’t stop looking for me and kept ignoring John.

Back into the truck with you. Gambler only got to pick up one bird today.

We thought Gambler was over being a momma’s boy and thought he could run a test with John handling him and me in the gallery. I guess not, so I am back to running my boy.

This was a major money down the drain day for us. John took off a day of work, the entry fee and gas money to get to the test. All in all this day probably cost us close to $300 and no .50 cent ribbon to show for it. I guess you win some and you loss some and we don’t play this game to worry about money spent.

Saturday Gambler and I went by ourselves to the hunt test. We ran the first series, got called back to run the second series then got called back again to run the third series. During the third series Gambler decided to act up and not listen to me at the line right in front of the judges. He wouldn’t sit, he wouldn’t give me the birds when he did give me the bird he jumped up at me and the judges trying to get the bird back. He tipped over a bucket trying to look for a bird. When he ran the blind he really wasn’t listening to me and that is what they failed him on but told me he needs to clean up his line manners as that isn’t any way for a master dog to act. So now I’m back at the drawing board as to who will run Gambler. This was the problem last year I had with him and why I quit running him. He has no respect for me on test day.

Only a couple more days to enter Gambler’s 4th Birthday Giveaway. You can enter here.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

24 Replies to “G$ Down The Drain~Monday Mischief”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Hugs to you… I felt the same as I drove home with nothing…. and we have the same prob: who is brave enough to enter the ring with Ronald Mc Easy next month?

  2. 2 Brown Dawgs

    I am sorry you did not pass, but for two series he did really well and you did really well. I think you just need to reinforce his obedience and maybe even away from the test. I say this because we have the same issue with Freight-train so going forward we will be working on that (we have been working on it…lol). Gman can do the work and you can handle him so I think he just has to remember that you are the boss.

  3. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Gambler gets bored with all those tests. He wants to have FUN! Doesn’t matter whose runnin’ him. BOL! The money part was mean mischief.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. Frankie and Ernie

    Darn…. well it was a nice day and we are sure that you had some fun… that is worth SOMETHINGY, RIGHT????

  5. Oz the Terrier

    G$ my paw! Oh, GMan…you were doing so good and then you let yourself get all full of piss and vinegar at the end. I sure hope you both can find a way to work through the whole test process together…without any mischief.

  6. Emmadog

    We feel the pain with Bailie, two tracking tests failed, hours of travel time and a few hundred dollars for gas, hotel, and entry fee down the drain. Hope he gets himself together for you. Bailie may be a while.

  7. Groovy Goldendoodles

    So sorry to hear this. I was holding my breath as I read this story. I just knew you were going to have a different ending on your day with Gambler. Please don’t stop taking him and please don’t stop writing about it – I love reading and learning. Going over to enter Gamblers birthday giveaway now –

  8. Earl Lover

    This happens in dog sports from time to time. The disappointment is raw and down heartening, however you just have to keep going if it means a lot to you. Giving up would be a horrible thing to do when you have such a passion for a sport. We hope you see an improvement.


  9. Jan K

    Oh, that must be so frustrating! Can John run him with you not being there? It reminds me of Luke…sometimes he does so great but other times he can just be a total complete brat, and it’s usually with me!

  10. Cathy Armato

    Aww, poor Gambler , it just isn’t his week. I’m sure there’s greatness in there waiting to come out again soon! For the love of the dog though, right?
    Love and biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  11. M. K. Clinton

    That is such a bummer. I’m still very proud of his first pass and he will be triumphant! If he was perfect every time, you wouldn’t have a challenge to overcome. That will make victory even sweeter. ♥

  12. Cathy Connolly

    Oh G-man, mom can’t explain the importance of your job! John probably really enjoys running him too, that’s when you wish you could explain to them that they should do their job with either of you and they would understand completely lol

  13. Jodi

    I know how disappointing and frustrating that must be for you. I think 2 Brown Dawgs is right, maybe back to the basics for him and no more hunt tests til he straightens his cute little ass out. 🙂