Gambler Carves A Pumpkin In 10 Seconds

Look what came in the mail!

Lookie lookie what came in the mail!

Lookie lookie what came in the mail!

The SS gang won Noodle 4 President’s First Halloween Costume Contest. There were so many great costumes and we were excited to win. Thanks Noodle!!

Thanks Noodle for these cool toys!

Thanks Noodle for these cool toys!

Preacher! Why are you touching that cat toy? It's picture time!

Preacher! Why are you touching that cat toy? It’s picture time!

Preacher! What do you think you are doing?

Preacher! What do you think you are doing?

Preacher! Get back here!

Preacher! Get back here!

OK! You can play with the toys.

OK! You can play with the toys.

Look what I got, look what I got, can you see it?

Look what I got, look what I got, can you see it?

Sucks to be you all I got the great pumpkin!

Sucks to be you all I got the great pumpkin!

For the record I'm being good!

For the record I’m being good!

I wonder how fast I can carve this pumpkin?

I wonder how fast I can carve this pumpkin?

What??? I ain't doing nothing!

What??? I ain’t doing nothing!

Sorry Noodle!

Sorry Noodle!

Look Noodle I still have my cat!

Look Noodle I still have my cat!

Thanks again Noodle for the great toys!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

20 Replies to “Gambler Carves A Pumpkin In 10 Seconds”

  1. denisegruzensky

    That is some quick pumpkin carving! The video faked me out, I was looking for a squeaky toy while my dog mom watched it. 😉 Shasta~

  2. Jan K

    Ha ha ha….I love it! That is definitely Sheba….how fast can I destroy this toy? Well, at least Noodle can know that Gambler had 10 seconds of sheer joy with that pumpkin!
    And Preacher was so good with hers!

  3. noodle4president

    BOL! Don’t be sorry Gambler. I’d dead the pumpkin too. That’s the best part. I wish there were enough toys for everyone. I should’ve thought about what would happen if your family won. Doh! *ear licks* Noodle

  4. Pooch Smooches

    You guys totally deserved to win that contest! Gambler looks very pleased with himself! And Preacher is so cute! With their toys, they remind me of my and my sis when we were kids. She would gobble down her candy, and I would make mine last and then torture her that I still had some. Do you think Preacher will torture G-man with the fact that she still has her cat?? 🙂

  5. Princess Leah

    Woohoo, well done the winners, what pawsome prizes!
    (pumpkins are such fragile thingys!)
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Sigh, when I was young…course my Human doesn’t allow me to have toys I might destroy unless she’s able to supervise…takes all the fun out of it!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog