Gambler Has Something Up His Paw And Rally O

What does Gambler have up his paw?

The last time you seen this set up it was with Guilty as she was at Canine Solutions LLC being evaluated for her Therapy dog certification. It’s Gamblers turn to be at the training facility. Wednesday night Gambler met up with Josey (Glory and Thunder 2015 litter) to do a drop in Rally O training session and have an evaluation done (you will find out what they were being evaluated on later in May). Tom and Josey have a title in Rally O in both AKC and UKC they are practicing for higher levels in Rally O. I have watched a couple trials but haven’t ever tried my hand at it. Since we were there to be evaluated we joined in what looked like a lot of fun.

AKC Rally® is a companion sport to AKC Obedience. It too requires teamwork between dog and handler along with performance skills similar to obedience. Rally provides an excellent introduction to AKC events for new dogs and handlers, and can provide a challenging opportunity for competitors in other events to strengthen their skills. All dogs are eligible to compete in rally. ~AKC

Tom and Josey starting off.

Tom is reading the signs and guiding Josey as to what is on the sign that they have to do together as ta team.

Normal walk.

Sit and turn.

Wondering if Josey will pull Tom’s arm off trying to get to Gambler.

When is it my turn to try my paw at Rally O?

Gambler finally paying attention as he is up soon.

Tom and Josey running through the course now off leash.

Gambler and I had our turn. Unfortunately we didn’t get any pictures. We had fun running through the course. I of course can’t read signs well and know what directions I was going so we had to repeat a couple stations and I had to turn the right way. Gambler actually did very well. He listened to all my commands and did great, it was me who didn’t know what was going on. I wish I had a picture to show you of what he did near the end. One station was we needed to stop, Gambler lay down and then sit back up. I put him in a down and then he nonchalantly stuck his head over to the sign on the floor and picked it up in his mouth and held on to it while he was laying there. He always is the life of the party and makes me smile at his corny antics. We finished the course and got hooked. Might have to try this again for something to do with him.

Thanks Canine Solutions LLC for allowing us to drop in we will be doing it again!

You can come watch Tom and Josey competing in Rally O at the upcoming UKC show hosted by the Dodge County Canine Club in Beaver Dam WI on May 13-14th. I’ll be there showing Guilty and Glory in the conformation champion ring as well as Josey will be shown there too.


6 Replies to “Gambler Has Something Up His Paw And Rally O”

  1. Emmadog

    Once Madison finishes this obedience class, Mom wants to do some rally with her, and if it goes well, she may try some with Bailie too. We are not big obedience fans, but rally is fun obedience.

  2. Jan K

    G-Man is such a nut, I love it! I’d heard of Rally before, but didn’t know what it was really about. It sounds fun (I’d probably be the weak link on the team too….LOL).

  3. Pingback: What Was Up Gamblers Paw? – Sand Spring Chesapeakes