Gamblers Heartworm Blood Test

Gambler is due to have his Heartworm Blood Test on his Birthday. Since his Birthday was May 13th I took him to work with me on May 17th and had his Heartworm Blood Test drawn. He was a good boy and laid right down and let Dr. Mary draw his blood with no problems, no movement, nothing.


Dr. Mary please hit my vein on the first try.


Thanks mom hold me tight, make me feel safe.


Hug me up mom, are we about done?


Yippie, my favorite time….a treat!


Ahhhh crap, time to go back to my kennel.

Gamblers Heartworm test was negative! I also ran a mini panel on the blood to check for diabetes, check his kidney and liver functions which were are normal. He is now good to go and take his monthly Heartworm preventive for the next year. Don’t forget to have your pooches heartworm test done and get them on preventive. Heartworm is a nasty disease easier to prevent then to treat. 


American Heartworm Society


Have a great holiday weekend.

12 Replies to “Gamblers Heartworm Blood Test”

  1. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Candy, my Human’s girl Chessie was heart worm positive when they adopted her. Not only is treating for heart worms hard on the dog, it is also expensive and requires the dog be hospitalized.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Awe, poor Candy, I hope she is alright, does she still live with you? It is very hard on them and you really need to be carefull with exercise after treatment. I have seen a number of dogs that got adopted need to be treated. So sad, but they all turned out good and are doing good now. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. 2browndawgs

    We do our checks in April/May. It is much easier for old brains to keep track of it that way…lol. Gambler, you are such a good boy despite your occasional mischief. 🙂

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Thank you. Usually clinic’s check in the spring because people take their dogs off medication in the winter. We set it up in our computer to test on the dogs birthday, so we test dogs all through out the year instead of a big rush in the spring.

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  4. tylersat99

    Glad it was negative and gambler was so good. Since we use topical treatment all year for fleas that includes heart worm they usually get their test at the yearly physical. Even though it includes heart worm prevention they test before they will renew the topical.