Glory’s Annual Vet Visit

Every March Glory is due for her annual physical exam and vaccinations.

First we weigh in and oh boy what a surprise we got!

Glory gained 8# this past winter! I switched her food last summer to a performance food so she could have the calories to help her with all her training, running tests and hunting. It takes 8-12 weeks for the body to use the food properly so you don’t want to switch back and forth from a regular diet to a performance diet you should thou adjust the amount of food fed. Of course I would feed her less but the husband kept feeding her the same about and when you don’t get the exercise like one does in the summer months you tend to put on a little weight.

Glory got a full physical from head to tail. She got her eyes and ears checked, she had her lymph nodes and abdomen palpated, her heart listed too and a all body feel over for any lumps. She passed with flying colors.

Of course Glory was like any kid at the doctor and had to listen to her own heartbeat to make sure she really was live.

Glory also got her blood drawn for her annual Heartworm test which was negative and we continue to give her monthly Heartworm preventative. This years Distemper vaccination was given a 3 year expiration so she will continue to get her Bordetella, Lyme and Lepto (part of the distemper vaccination but only good for one year) each year. Her Rabies is also every three years. She also had a stool sample checked for intestinal parasites which was negative. She is up to date on her Vaccinations and Heartworm test, her physical exam said she was healthy so she is ready for her upcoming breeding this summer.

Side note:

Remember to download the Pose A Pet App for your phone to help take great pictures, make flyers for animals in need and help support CRROW – Chesapeake Retriever Rescue Of Wisconsin as they will get half the proceeds from the downloads this week. Read my blog post here about this great App.


We are joining Linda at 2browndawgs and Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for this great blog hop.


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12 Replies to “Glory’s Annual Vet Visit”

  1. easyweimaraner

    Glory… sister.. I had to bear that today too…. Glad you got good news… except that scale what told lies…. I left them an urine sample on the wall and a stool sample on the parking lot… think they can put it in jars with their own paws :o) btw: we totally forgot to ask for the frozen offsprings, how it will work and what we need (except that magazine lol). uhoh!

  2. Oz the Terrier

    Uh-oh. I hope this extra weight won’t mean that Glory has to go on a dreaded d-i-e-t. Hopefully you will be able to get out for a lot of running and training soon…and the weight will melt right off! Glad she is super healthy!

  3. Kari Neumeyer

    I’m impressed she gets up on the table! What is it about men and over feeding dogs? Rob thinks the dog bowls need to be filled to the top! Maybe I should get smaller bowls.

  4. Emmadog

    8 pounds! Holy catfish! We are much more active in the winter, so we don’t gain weight then. None of us like the heat much, so we tend to be more lazy in the summer.

  5. Jodi

    Honestly, I don’t think she looks overweight, so she’s carrying it well. 🙂 I’m glad to hear she is healthy and ready for her breeding. She’s going to have the cutest little puppies!

    Thanks for joining the blog hop and Happy Easter.

  6. Jan K

    Don’t feel bad, Glory, that winter weight gain happens to many of us (not my dogs this year, but me, ha ha). So glad to hear that her exam went well and she’s ready for those puppies!