Glory’s first UKC HRC hunt test

Glory is 6.5 months old now and we were running Gambler in a UKC HRC Started test this past weekend so on Sat we decided to enter Glory to get her some exposure at the hunt test. We thought what the hay, we have a 50/50 chance that she will pull it off. If she did we would enter her on Sunday if not then we wouldn’t. John ran Glory and she did good in the holding blind, did good at the line then the decoys were just too tempting. When we saw the set up we figured that she would be ok since the decoys were off to the side and there was a nice big opening for her to go in and swim right out to get the duck well nope Glory had other ideas. Saw the bird come down, jumped in and went for the decoy, brought it back and delivered it to hand. Re sent her on the duck, jumped in went the other way and tried to get another decoy but that one the weight was too heavy so she came back without. No birds but that little girl had the time of her life and was happy to have brought back the decoy. I was all smiles as she was out there having fun! She is now called “The Decoy Bandit”


4 Replies to “Glory’s first UKC HRC hunt test”

  1. 2browndawgs

    Look how cute she is. We were always worried about our young dogs bringing back the decoys. They can be too tempting…lol. Oh well next time.

  2. Yvonne Way

    Shes a keeper for sure! Great things for her on the horizon because she has great owners, & most likely a huge fan club like Gambler!

  3. Pingback: Monday Mischief–Decoys | 2 BROWN DAWGS BLOG