Guilty As Charged

Guilty As Charged


For the past couple of months Guilty has had free range of the house at night when we go to sleep. She was a good girl and would actually sleep and I would get up couple times a night and let her out. She would lay next to the bed or under the bed. In the past few weeks she has made the loft her bedroom which is fine by me until last night when she decided she didn’t like the carpet in her room and started to eat it. She also decided to pee twice in the house, haul around a pair of pants and shoes, tip over my purse…She is now banned to her kennel until she gets over this destruction age and hopefully it won’t be as long as Gambler as he is 5 and still behind bars.

Do you still have to crate your dogs when you go to sleep or leave the house?

17 Replies to “Guilty As Charged”

  1. Emmadog

    Katie and I were both good to go by ten months, no need to be behind bars ever again, Bailie, on the other paw, has been in and out of jail her entire life. It seems to just be a mood that randomly comes over her. Mom understands your frustration.

  2. easyweimaraner

    Ummmm….. To say I’m not guilty is not really an option huh? So I will wrap a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree and wait till ya have done your time. Call me if you need a helper for prison break ????

    1. cape cod brown dogs

      The first time I used a crate was a few years back and for Woolsey, then Musket because I had to travel far to get them.
      I found Woolsey loved her crate so I let her have it and now she and Musket both try to take ownership of it!
      I have been lucky to work from home much of the time so the brown dogs have free rein of the house and get used to knowing what NOT to do so they learn quickly.
      When under 5 months and I have to go somewhere , all my dogs have had free reign of half of the house and I always do electric cords out of the outlets just in case.

      We STILL have , newspaper grabbed and shredded ,or a back of a shoe eaten ( Musket can open doors) and Woolsey loves glasses and jewelry but now just hides them.

      I will say anytime we go to bed they get on bed and they NEVER get off of it unless we get up, even as pups.
      If they were ” nightwalkers” we would have a lead on them or do a crate as well.

      As for Guilty, she comes by her precociousness honestly;)

  3. M. K. Clinton

    Poor Guilty! The only time that Pierre gets kenneled is if we leave the house at “squirrel:thirty” because he loses his mind over tree rats. Bentley is never kenneled other than in the car.

  4. cafall

    Harlow was crated longer than we care to say – she just seems to make bad choices during the day. Ramble is still crated – we’ve only had him a month and we think in his previous life no one taught him the finer points of house breaking.

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  5. Laurie G.

    Boy you can tell when those ears are laid back that is a sign of guilt! Our chessies never ripped up carpet but if I left a coat or dish towel in reach, they would shred.

  6. Dakota/Caren/Cody

    we got Dakota when he was 8 months old. He was crated EVERY night and when we would leave the home until he was 2. One day when he was 2 he REFUSED to go into his crate and that was it. It was like going to the “big kid” bed lol. He was a good boy too and never destroyed anything from that point on!

  7. 2 Brown Dawgs

    No crates at night for our gang and Thunder and Storm can be out when we are away as long as Freighter is not there. If he is all three are crated.

  8. Jan K

    We’ve always been lucky that ours got over their random destructiveness after a certain age (other than toy destruction). I read somewhere that young dogs go through these periodic naughty spells, so hopefully this is just a spell for Guilty!