Happy Howl-o-Ween 2019

Happy Howl-o-Ween from the Sand Spring gang.

Gambler, Slammer, Guilty and Glory

And of course the outtakes.

Slammer and Glory.
Unicorn Slammer.
Chicken Gambler
We’re free.
Guilty scrubbing her back.

We have Halloween week at Harmony Pet Clinic, the Doggy Day Care pups come dressed up and have a chance to win costume contests so Slammer and I wore our costume on Monday. I’m the Cheese Mouse and Slammer is a Chicken.

JoAnn and Slammer

I made some treats and brought to work as well.

I shouldn’t quit my day job eh?

We hope you and your furry one’s have a Happy Halloween and stay safe.

7 Replies to “Happy Howl-o-Ween 2019”

  1. M. K. Clinton

    I love the litter box cake! We had one at a party once and everyone enjoyed it. LOL! Happy Halloween.