
I hit the JACKPOT!

I hit the Jackpot in Blogville give a-ways and contest’s! The past month has been very good to me and I need to say a big THANK YOU to the bloggers whom I won prizes with.

First: I couldn’t believe it when I found out I won my first Blog give a-way it was a candle give a-way by Dakota’s Den. Caren was giving a-way a candle from Terri’s Candles.

How excited I was when I found out I won. I love candles and always have them burning. Because of the really warm weather in MI and WI Terri waited to ship out my candle until the days were cooler, she didn’t want the candles to melt. She was super nice and added a few candles and melt’s for me to try for waiting so long to get the candle. Thank you, Thank you your gift package was more than I expected!


Taken from Terri’s website:

Why Soy?……Buying & burning candles isn’t the most eco-egregious thing you can do out there.  They’re relaxing, they smell good & they make for interesting home decor.  But yes, those rumors you’ve heard about soy wax are indeed correct.  They are better than the standard wax varieties. Other candle wax is made from the petroleum byproduct -parrafin.  Burning a parafin candle is like inviting a diesel truck into your home to let off some exhaust…the soot from both the diesel and the paraffin, contains a noxious mix of carcinogenic petro-carbon nastiness that can mess with your health & emit toxic chemicals like benzene & toluene.  And as you know, petroleum isn’t exactly renewable.  Soy is!  And if you or someone in your family suffers from either allergies or asthma, burning a parrafin candle can contribute to the onset of allergy attacks and headaches.


The scents were very refreshing and the candle burned really evenly.

Second: Gizmo did a review on a couple of products by Fetch Earth, The Undoos & the FE Natural Pet Soap. After the review Gizmo had a give a-way which I won! I got my sample and realized the company was from right here in Green Bay, WI. How nice to support a local company.


Gambler eats grass so sometimes the grass gets stuck coming out and he needs help with it so I think this idea of a towel attached to the poop bag is a excellent idea, I would just grab the grass then grab the rest of the poop and turn it inside out. The bad and towel is biodegradable. How sweet is that?


Didn’t want to do the actual demonstration so you get a picture you can actually look at.


Really mom I have to have this bag hanging off my tail. Shut up Nellie I see you laughing in the background!

I haven’t tried out the products yet but am excited to do so.

Third: I entered a contest held by The Tasty Tuesday host’s Kol’s Notes and Sugar The Golden Retriever. It was their 2nd Annual Tasty Tuesday Anniversary. They hosted a contest “what would you do for Zuke’s treats”? Along with what would you do for Zuke’s treats they had a Iron Doggie Chef contest where you had to make a treat using fruit. You can see what I did HERE and that is how I won. I had a lot of fun doing this post/contest.

The Zukes came in the mail pronto, the dogs loved them! I went through a whole bag trying to get pictures of them eating them. They were mauling me for the tasty treats.


MK was wondering why she didn’t get any?





Forth: I entered another contest making a blog post. This one was hosted by Sugar The Golden Retriever, Gizmo Terrier Torrent and Garth Riley. It was Scoop That Poop blog hop contest. You had to make a blog post about poop. How fun is that? HERE is my blog post and I just so happened to win. I won The Fifth Paw! I am super excited to try out this little trinket that will attach to my leash and will hold my filled poop bags from cleaning up after my dogs on a walk. Hence Scoop That Poop!


Fifth: Sue over at Talking Dogs at For Love Of A Dog blog did a book review on Crazy Bitch, Living with canine compulsive disorder by Peggy Tibbetts. After the review she had a give a-way and I won! I got my book in the mail so I am excited to start reading it.


Finally, no I didn’t win anything else! I wanted to say THANK YOU again to my blog friends who hosted give a-ways and contests so I could win some really cool stuff. You all rock and I can’t thank you enough for being so kind. I think I should go buy my power ball ticket now!

22 Replies to “Jackpot!”

  1. tarynft

    Holy Moly! I hope you played the lottery recently as well. You are really on a lucky streak!

    Love the crazy face in photo DSC_0063 (5th from bottom).

  2. wernecke91

    That’s awesome! I love soy candles. And you can use the melty soy part to moisturizer your hands in the winter… 🙂

  3. 2browndawgs

    Wow you sure are lucky! That is a lot of good stuff. I like soy candles because I find they burn more evenly. We buy Zuke’s products. I really like them. Looks like you are all set for walks and have a good book to read over the long weekend. 🙂

  4. SUGAR: Golden Woofs

    Oh My you did hit the jackpot. Golden Laughs on eating grass n getting stuck. Can’t wait for you to test out all your winnings especially TheFifthPaw. Keep us posted. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

    1. Hawk aka BrownDog

      Hi Y’all!

      There’s more than Nellie laughin’ behind your back, Gambler! BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Y’all come by now,
      Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. Pingback: Follow-up Friday | Sand Spring Chesapeakes

  6. GizmoGeodog

    Coming in very late here but I wanted to say that you’re very welcome and I’m so happy you liked your FetchEarth prize…I shared this post with Nicole from FetchEarth and she loved it 🙂