This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”

The last hunt test of the season turned out to be a fantastic one. Gambler was entered in Senior and Glory was entered in Junior. They both needed one more pass to receive their titles. We were hoping for a good day.

Gambler was up first on land. It was a typical land senior with a walk up, double and a blind. I was hiding again so he couldn’t see me. Here are a couple of pictures I took.





Hi Mom! You think your hiding but I see you!


He passed his land test so he got to move onto water.

2013-08-24 13.08.47

Hi Mom, I smell you way over there!

2013-08-24 12.33.42 (1)

Water was another double with a water blind and the honor. John and Gambler went up to the line, asked honor dog if he was ready. Honor dog was ready so he signaled for the marks to start. After the second mark went down the honor dog broke just as John released Gambler. The honor dog owner screamed “NO HERE” and both dogs turned around and came back. The judges called a no bird for Gambler and he got to go back in line after 3 dogs and come up later and re run the test. As John was walking back to wait someone stopped him to ask him what happened as John was talking Gambler thought it would be a nice time to take a pee…….right on someone’s bag. He was causing mischief and it wasn’t even Monday. So here is a warning message do not leave your stuff unattended if Gambler is in the area!

2013-08-24 13.07.09

Bag left unattended.

After the debacle John and Gambler went up again to try it again. Gambler over ran the memory bird so he needed to be handled as he was running amuck and got near the blind area. He took his casts great. Then came the blind. Another point blind where the point was sticking out and Gambler had to pass by it to get to the blind. This time Gambler took every cast and stayed off the point and let John guide him to the blind. His honor was great up until the end when he got past the judges and John tried to put the leash on him and he took off running to the gallery to find me. I jumped up and ran to meet him and he gave me many kisses. What a happy moment to finally have his AKC Senior Title.


Glory’s land series was first also. This one was a little different than any land series we ever had. It was 2 single marks then you turned around and got into a boat and got a mark into the water. This was counted as one of the water marks. The area they had to run the test wasn’t very big so this was the only way they thought to do the test so they could get it all in and have 2 different water marks. The first bird down on land Glory took off and then put the breaks on and dove into the cover to the right of her. She hunted and hunted then came out looked at me and jumped back into the cover. She came out again then beelined it to the mark, picked it up and came back to me while still eyeing up the spot in the cover that had her attention. The second mark was no problem as well as jumping out of the boat to get the duck on water. She passed her land series and got to come back and run one more land mark (which they didn’t judge) and one water mark. She did both excellent so she passed and got her AKC Junior Hunter Title. We were so happy and proud!






And a little that:

2013-08-25 15.37.35 (1)

MK went to the lake today to hang with the dogs.

MK went to the lake today to hang with the dogs.

At the lake, see the water?

At the lake, see the water?

Just hanging out.

Just hanging out.

MK thought it was hot this weekend before we turned the AC on. I’m not sure why a couple pics are cut off. MK would like to report that her probation is lifted a bit at night time. She is no longer locked in our bedroom she has free roam of the house at night. No pee spots found. She is still in jail during the day when I am gone.

Thanks to 2browndawgs the host of This ‘N That Thursday for being the 1000 person to like one of my blog posts!


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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19 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining TNT! Congrats on your titles. You and John did a great job with your dogs!

    Don’t you hate the “no bird” when it happens just before you? Our dogs just get more amped up. Thunder has finally learned to control his enthusiasm now that he is older. When he was young no birds were very hard for him. I felt badly for the honor dog at last weekend’s test since he/she had to sit through another set of marks when Freighter broke. That happened to Thunder several times too, but was not as hard on him as no birds.

    Interesting about Glory’s test. Did anyone complain about the 3 marks in one series in Juniors? The rules are pretty clear that a series can only be 2 marks in a Junior. I am glad it didn’t throw Glory off. Hopefully it didn’t mess up any other dogs. I think the way they should have handled that to keep in the rules was to run a series with a water mark. Then a land series of two and then another water series. I also don’t see how they cannot judge a mark either. Were there pros at the test? What did they say? I wonder what the AKC rep would have said? lol

    You got some great pictures. MK is just so cute!

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      No one complained. It was odd. The judges said there wasn’t enough area to do two water marks at the same time. It was on a little pond that was surrounded by cattails and weeds. I think most dogs did great.

  2. slimdoggy

    WooHoo Gambler & Glory – what great success. And they both look so proud of themselves in those pictures – and rightfully so. Thanks for sharing their training and trials – it’s so interesting to read.

  3. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!
    Congratulations to you both, G n G!
    As for the “pee stop”, my Human said my FlatCoat brother, who I never knew, once peed on a friends pant leg when my brother was about my age. Yes he was housebroken. No, he wasn’t in the house at the time, he was in the barn. Can’t imagine how my Human reacted! (and she’s not sayin’)
    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  4. tylersat99

    Wow what a terrific day!! You got a Master and Junior title (actually the dogs did) and looks like everyone had a great time. Congratulations to all and a great way to wind up the season 🙂

  5. Donna

    Great job Gambler and Glory (and Mom too)! Sure sounds like fun tests…and cute to see Gambler looking for you in the photos. Too funny about the mischief…a lot of the Vizslas at our recent Fun Day got into the same kind of mischief any time someone set something down.

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