Litter Box Blues

This is a follow up post to my Jonny Cat Litter Box Liners Chewy review that I did last week. If you didn’t read the review you can read it HERE. There were a couple of things I failed to mention during my review.


First, a couple of readers said that their cats would shred the liners or they didn’t hold up because of the cat’s claws. MK is declawed on all four paws so these liners held up to her. So if your cat has it’s claws I don’t know how they would work for you. All I know is these particular liners do feel really thick and the bag didn’t break when I lifted it out with the litter and poo.

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Second, Tylersat99 said “The liners sound so easy and fantastic. To use however we have a different problem to clear up first. Minx has always been really good about using her little box. John decided to buy one of the lighter litters and now we rarely use the litter box:(”

Tylersat99, I should of made mention about changing up the kitty’s litter box routine may lead to litter box mischief of going outside the box. I knew better too as a Veterinary Technician we deal with litter box issues quite often.

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Tips for kitty owners to avoid the litter box blues, remember kitty’s are creatures of habit.

  1. If your kitty is using the litter box on a regular basis don’t change a thing. Don’t change the type of litter, don’t use any additives, don’t move the box. Don’t do a thing.
  2. You should have one litter box per cat plus one box.
  3. You should put these litter boxes in low traffic area’s. Don’t put in a closet where you store your vacuum if your cat is afraid of the vacuum. Don’t put near the washer and dryer if your cat is afraid of those items.
  4. Don’t put all the litter boxes in the basement. Stagger them out through out your house.
  5. Keep potted plant soil covered with pine cones or decorative rocks to deter kitty from using it.
  6. Keep the litter box clean, scoop often, change out litter often and keep the depth of litter constant.

Reasons why kitty gets the litter box blues.

  1. Brand or type of litter was changed.
  2. Litter has scented additives added to it.
  3. The litter box isn’t cleaned often enough.
  4. The litter box was changed to a new location.
  5. The kitty was frightened or something frightening happened while in or near box.
  6. The kitty has a medical problem.
  7. The kitty has found a more appealing area or surface.

What to do if the litter box blues happen.

Start by taking kitty to the vet to rule out a medical problem like Diabetes, Kidney Disease, diarrhea/constipation or Urinary Tract Infection. Sometimes the litter box blues are due to a medical problem, if the kitty is painful when going in the litter box they associate the pain that happened with the box so they find other places to go. A common cause of litter box blues is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis, which you can read about HERE.

If ruled behavioral and not medical then….

  1. Clean the area well with a enzymatic cleaner. It needs to be a cleaner that will break down the ph in the urine in order to get all the smell out.
  2. You can retrain your kitty by keeping confined while learning to use the box again.
  3. You can feed kitty in area of the mishap since they don’t like to soil near areas of food or play.
  4. Place a carpet runner nub side up over the area, or put two sided tape over it.
  5. Put an aversive odor near the soiled spot. Kitty’s don’t like citrus odor.
  6. Put crinkled aluminum foil over the area.


So I hope this cleared some things up and that you don’t have a kitty with litter box blues.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

11 Replies to “Litter Box Blues”

  1. Taryn

    I don’t have cats, but that sure is a great post for working with the litter box blues! One of the reasons I no longer have cats is that I’ve never had one that didn’t eventually forsake the litter box and just pee where ever it felt like it.

  2. Emmadog

    Our kitties are pretty good. Sophie sometimes gets a piece of poo stuck in her long furs which falls off outside the box, and Bert occasionally pees a bit too high and it comes out of the box, but overall, they are good.

  3. Jan K

    We have had issues with different cats and litter boxes, medical problems were never found. I think it’s because the litter is in the basement, and they get too lazy to go down there and use it. We just have no other good place to put it where we can keep the dogs out of it. It’s another reason we want to move….I think our issues will end once we’re living on just one floor! (Samantha only has occasional issues…most of the time she uses it but she has spells where she gets lazy).

  4. Pooch Smooches

    We don’t have a cat (mainly because I’m allergic AND because Rita hates cats….) but the litter box blues is also a deterrent. I know some friends who have cats w/ little box issues. Will pass this info along!

  5. M. K. Clinton

    Our male cat decided that he would no longer use the litter box years ago. Whew! That is a smelly problem to have for sure. I think a liner would have been great for my other cats!

  6. 2 Brown Dawgs

    Excellent tips. Nestle is good about using the box, but do NOT put any kind of boot tray down on the floor (like a boot tray). She thinks that is also a litter box.