Monday Mischief – Glory Hunting

This weekend Glory got to go duck hunting. Friday she went with just John and they got one duck. Saturday I went along with and we didn’t get anything. John went to the marsh on Friday and there were thousands of ducks in the refuge and flying around, just not flying near them. Saturday there were NO ducks anywhere’s. We knew there wasn’t any ducks as 8 eagles would fly through the refuge and no ducks got up. Ducks don’t like eagles as eagles are predators to the ducks so when an eagle flies near any ducks the ducks get up and leave making it harder for the eagle to get them. This is a catch 22 for the ducks, the ducks get up to get away from the eagles so they don’t get killed then they fly towards the hunters and if the hunters are good shots then the ducks end up dying anyways.

I’ve learned not to take my good camera in the canoe in the marsh as it is very muddy and wet. I brought my old camera and of course the pictures didn’t turn out as good but that’s what happens when I don’t want to ruin my new camera.

Glory is such a good girl in the canoe, she has only been in the canoe a handful of times in her 11 months so I am quite happy with how she acts. She doesn’t get into mischief while we are paddling out but she did get into some mischief when we were hiding in the cattails and she wasn’t retrieving any ducks. She was getting board so she would cry and look out past the canoe to the area that was open in the cattails. She jumped out of the canoe and would sniff the cattails smelling for wounded birds that were hiding in the cattails. She didn’t find any but she did have fun trying. She then would grab pieces of ice that was broken in the water and play with that. She finally went to the bathroom on the cattails and jumped back in the canoe, her mischief was done.

Watching for ducks to fly over.

Taking a nap since no ducks.

Hanging out.

Getting into mischief.

Pee break.

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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