Monday Mischief~Catching Up

Two weeks ago I talked about my gator hunt as the gang didn’t get into any mischief, you can read about gators here. Everyone was surprised that Gman didn’t get into any mischief, well he made up for it the next week. Here is what has been happening around our house. It’s a week of playing catch up in mischief.

I have a couple of video’s of mischief to share. This first one is Gman Vs Goose. John brought his goose decoy in the house to fix it. This is what Gman thought of the goose decoy.

Disregard the potty mouth from John, we really don’t talk to our family pet’s that way. lol

This next video is Gman trying to get the cat’s food on the table.

photo 2

Gman was so full of it having a week off from mischief he decided it would be a good time to wreck Glory’s bed.

Glory didn’t want to get left out so she grabbed some potpourri that the cat flung off the coffee table and started chewing on it.

photo 5

Now Gambler has been reading his pal Easy’s blog a little too much and wanted to keep up with Easy in the toy destruction posts.

Gman Vs Big Red Bone

I'm being a good boy.

I’m being a good boy.

What do we have in here?

What do we have in here?

I think there is a squeekie in here.

I think there is a squeekie in here.

There is only fuzz....

There is only fuzz….

I must get all the fuzz out.

I must get all the fuzz out.

This is how my pal Easy does it.

This is how my pal Easy does it.

photo 3

Sure is a lot of fuzz.

Sure is a lot of fuzz.

I think I have it all.

I think I have it all.

The infirmary.

The infirmary.

Watcha doing mom?

Watcha doing mom?

MK helping out.

MK helping out.

MK watching gman steal the toy.

MK watching gman steal the toy.

How’s that for taking a week off of mischief?


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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16 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Catching Up”

  1. easyweimaraner

    hahahaha, that’s what happens in my crib too and the reactions are similar: first the bipeds laugh, when I drag a pillow or a blanket around but with the first shredding-noise they mess up my ripping party :o) And we are always surprised how much stuffing is inside the toys :o) btw: I never thought he really would get the cat food, good job Gambler :o)

  2. Oz theTerrier

    BOL!! Those videos of Gambler were hilarious. My favorite was the cat food from the table…it made me jealous, since I am too small to even reach the table. *sigh* Gambler has been up to lots of mischief…you may want to limit his time spent with Easy or Gman will be destroying everything!
    Happy Monday to all at SS!

  3. Frankie and Ernie

    GAMBLER….are you SURE that you aren’t a DACHSHUND??? WE “FLUFF” our beds EVERY DAY… and WE make a Deaded Stuffie JUST like THAT. We know that EASY would be PROUD of your skills…
    WE are just Green With Jellyness over the fact that you can REACH the Stuffs/Cat food on the TABLE… YOU are REally Lucky… to be a …. hehhehee LONG LEGGED Dachshund. BaaaaWaaah.

  4. Buddy

    Those are the best videos. Really enjoy the pictures and videos of your dogs and they remind me of my furangel Abby who was part Chesapeake. Abby destroyed more beds than I can remember, swallowed socks, ate baseboards, oh, the electrical cord was a shocking experience for all! Thanks again for posting this.

  5. Emma

    Sometimes we all have a big mischief day and Mom wants to send us all to the pound because we are just out of control but when we settle again, it is all fun and laughter.

  6. FleaByte

    Windchill in the teens?!? Gambler and Chewy are neck and neck in the surfing and destruction. GAH!

  7. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    My Human doesn’t give me anything I can “destruct”!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog