Monday Mischief~Chippie 1 Gamber 1

Gambler has a infatuation with gophers/chipmunks. He can sniff them out any where’s, I think he can hear them also. If he come across anything that looks like it might house a little rodent he is on it.

The drain tube.

This looks like a nice house for a rodent.

I think I can smell him.

It bailed, it jumped off the wall.

I think I saw it land here.

You idiot Gambler it didn’t land there.

Really Nellie, it is in here.

I smell it, I smell it here in the drain tile.

I must dig it out.

Chippie got away this time.

This past weekend we started building our new pheasant pen. John dug many holes to place the posts. The holes were about two feet deep and Gambler thought there was a chippie in each hole, he had to stick his head in the hole every time John brought some dirt out. He thought he was digging those holes just for him to be able to play with chippie.

Chippie 1 Gambler 1

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.



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18 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Chippie 1 Gamber 1”

  1. fozziemum

    Haahah hear it’s bunnies the boys sniff out…and weirdly termites..Doc can smell even an old termite mound and it drives him nuts! but yes every post hole dug must have a head poking in to have a sniff here too hahahah 🙂 hugs Fozziemum

  2. FleaByte

    G Man! I need to send Chewy up there to help you out! He and Patches hunt mice and rabbits all day, every day.

  3. Emmadog

    How fun! I bet there was chipper smell everywhere. I love Chippers, but I only see them when we visit Gramma or my cousin Lena. At my house there are only squirrels.

  4. Frankie and Ernie

    WE love to chase and Sniff Chipmunks… and Ground Moles too. Keep up the good work buddy.

  5. Pooch Smooches

    Too funny. So nice of you guys to dig those holes for him! Luckily we don’t have any chipmunks here in our new ‘hood. We had tons of squirrels, bunnies, etc. at our old house. Used to drive our beagle nuts!

  6. crazystacey

    Those chipmunks and other critter can be very tricky. I’m sure that looking for them can keep some dogs busy. Sure hope everyone appreciates your dedication to keeping them safe 🙂