Monday Mischief~Luring Geese

This past Saturday we went to a graduation party at our trainers place. We took the dogs with us since it was a all day affair. The dogs needed a potty break so we walked up to the upper pond to potty, play, swim and get into some mischief.

Once we got there this is what we seen…..

A family of geese.

A family of geese.

And then we seen this……

A whole bunch of families.

A whole bunch of families.

There had to be over 50 babies, it was just to much excitement for the Gman he had to go check them out taking Glory with to get into mischief……

I called and called to have them come back, Glory turned and came back……

I'm a good girl, I listen.

I’m a good girl, I listen.

Gambler finally coming back in.

Gambler finally coming back in.

The gander heading back to his family.

The gander heading back to his family.

Finally got the gang back on shore…….

Since the dogs were back on shore the gander joined his family again……

When you have retrievers who are bird motivated it’s hard to keep them from chasing waterfowl in the water. If younger when doing this they will swim and swim until they are tired. Older dogs with better recall you can call them off of the bird. Nellie was the non mischief maker as she hung out on shore while the two mischief makers went on their way.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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15 Replies to “Monday Mischief~Luring Geese”

  1. fozziemum

    Looks like they had great fun anyway 🙂 I know my two would be gone never to return hahaha 🙂 but no geese here…Forrest did have great fun chasing a rabbit through the bush yesterday…he can move damn fast for an 11 year old lab ..but not quite fast enough! both Forrest and bunny slept well last night. Glad you all had a fun time 🙂 Fozziemum

  2. easyweimaraner

    I guessed it as I saw the first picture. Bet Gambler and Glory thought they are landed in fowl-paradise. Ganders can get very angry, one of this guys gave my mom a shiner once with his wings :o)

  3. Bailey

    Shelties don’t tend to like the water. So while they’d have barked their fool heads off, don’t think they’d have gone in. Looks like they enjoyed themselves.

  4. Will and Eko

    I know this issue well. My brother has a German Shorthaired Pointer and we had to chase him down the Potomac River for an hour when he was younger and happily swimming after some birds. Your guys have good recall.

  5. Emmadog

    Mom so wishes she could let us off leash to scare those rotten geese away. They are so awful. It is only June and there is poop everywhere and they are viscous birds too. Yes, they are pretty and the babies are cute but we can’t stand them. They are so bad they even are hunted legally around here. They said on the news they poop an average of 2lbs of poop a day!!! Just dreadful. Sorry for the rant, but they really get to us.

  6. Taryn

    Jimmy would definitely have been right out there with Gambler! However, he does back down when the geese go into baby protection mode. A mad goose is nothing to trifle with!

  7. Jan K

    Well, it looks like they had a nice swim and got some good exercise anyway! I’m sure it must be hard for them to resist, but it’s a good thing they listen. The geese can get mean, can’t they?

  8. crazystacey

    My dog used to love to chase the geese until one day the caught one on land. The gander definately gave them a new respect for their fowl legged friends. Great pictures … love them!