My Three #PUPtectors

I have three #PUPtectors, how many do your have?

What kind of #PUPtectors do you have?

I have two Barking Buzzer’s.

Nellie and Glory are The Barking Buzzer’s. Must be genetic, like mother like daughter. Any little noise they are on high alert! They will race out of the room barking with the deepest bark they have and stand in front of the window or door and wait to see what kind of intruder is coming in. If someone is really here and they come into the house they will then turn into The Social Butterfly.

We think someone is here.

We’re always watching.

Glory says they are safe, time to relax.

I have one Social Butterfly from start to finish.

Gambler is very quite when it comes to alerting me of intruders. He won’t alert me by barking. He may run to the door but he will not make a sound. Once the door is open he greets the intruder with a friendly hump.

What’s going on out there?

Is there an intruder?

I’ll just wait quietly and then hump them to death.

Come on over to the couch.

I was asked if I would to the #PUPtector blog post from the people at dropcam home security.

Dropcam is a home monitoring company that has created wifi security cameras. With their fun features it makes it easier to stay connected at home or check in on those PUPtectors.

I thought this would be a fun post to do and wasn’t compensated for anything.

A couple of side notes:

We remember:


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.

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12 Replies to “My Three #PUPtectors”

  1. Will and Eko

    Interestingly, neither of my pups know what a doorbell is. We’ve always lived in an apartment so they aren’t conditioned to it. But once they hear the door open, they attack. With kisses, of course.

  2. Jodi

    Nice!! Thank you for joining the blog hop. While my two are both barking buzzers, one of them is also a social butterfly, except he doesn’t hump. 🙂 Delilah barks her fool head off, he at least will stop when I tell him to!!

  3. Emmadog

    Thank you again for the birthday greetings and loved the outtakes too! I hold up our neighborhood watch from my front window position. Bailie and I enjoy howling, rather than barking if we see riff raff passing by.

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    My Granmama (pawed) was a therapy dog who served 9/11 at the World Trade Center.

    I’m the buzzing social butterfly! BOL! But the way I buzz people think they’ve run into a real live Bouncer!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. 2 Brown Dawgs

    Your guys are tame compared to my maniacs. Seriously. I thought the UPS guy was toast the other day….lol. They don’t really do anything. They just sound like a pack of wild dogs. 🙂

    Thanks so much for joining the hop!

  6. fozziemum

    Well my pu[tectors straight away went to our door to see what he noise was bwahaahaha 🙂 barkers the pair of them…Doc will continue (terrier of course) and be very suss on who it s..Forrest is mr lovefest…:) great videos and pics 🙂 hugs Fozziemum

  7. Jan K

    Cricket is a barking buzzer who turns into a social butterfly, especially if she thinks someone will throw her ball. Sheba stays a social butterfly the whole time. Luke is a barking buzzer and sometimes stays that way, sometimes becomes a social butterfly, depending on the person (we’re working on that with a trainer now!).
    I love that they bark, as it would scare off anyone who really shouldn’t be here. I just want them all to be nice once I say the person is OK!