Nothing But Norman #133

Happy Saturday All!

Nothing But Norman


Earlier this week this photo popped up on my facebook wall as a memory from 7 years ago. This was the dock dog trainer holding on to Norman while I was at the end of the pier throwing the bumper out into the lake. This was at Dog Camp that Norman and I attended. I was a counselor for the weekend event. We had a great time.


Norman’s light was lit yesterday morning as  friends of ours laid their chessie to rest. My deepest sympathy goes out to them in their loss. Run free Ardi, Norman will show you the ropes and you will chase endless snow geese. I leave you with the poem they posted up with the sad news:


p style=”text-align: center;”>“We who choose to surround ourselves
with lives even more temporary than our
own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the necessary plan.”
― Irving Townsend


sepia saturday

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie and Earl’s World for Sepia Saturday.

7 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #133”

  1. Misty Shores Chesapeakes

    Nice memory post. I was very sad when I read about Ardi yesterday. Just seems like so many of our Chessie friends are crossing the bridge lately. I know it goes with the territory and quite a few of us have senior dogs but it sure doesn’t make it any easier.

  2. M. K. Clinton

    That is a great picture of Norman. Camp sounds like fun. I am so sorry for your friend’s loss. That is a beautiful poem and I loved it even if it made me cry. ♥

  3. Jan K

    What a great memory of Norman, that sounds like it was a fun camp.
    We are so sorry for your friend’s loss, I love how you lit Norman’s candle for them.