Nothing But Norman #29

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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During Nothing But Norman’s post you may have seen another Chesapeake in his baby photos and may have seen her referred to as Brooke. Brooke was our first Chesapeake we got together back in 98. I will be joining Give Cancer The Paw blog hop on Thursday Feb 6th brought to you by Pooch Smooches and Peggy’s Pet Place.


I will be telling Brooke’s story then so come back and find out who Brooke was.

For today here are some more pictures of baby Norman with his big sister Brooke.




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We are also joining up with Sepia Saturday blog hop with our lovely host Ruckus The Eskie.


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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true. To the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.

– Anonymous

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13 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #29”

  1. Ruckus the Eskie

    Sorry for being so late on my Sepia Saturday rounds. I just came back from a trip to Yosemite and had no internet there! Great photos of Norman. He blends right into the Sepia indeed! See you next week if not earlier! 😀