Nothing But Norman #35

Happy Saturday Everyone! Today marks 600 posts!

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 St. Patrick’s day is coming up on Monday. Even know we at Sand Spring Chesapeakes are not Irish we like to pretend we are. Here is Norman in his St. Paddy’s day wig last year. Wasn’t he a handsome lad? 


The whole month of March our pal Oz is doing Limericks for his friends. You can read this weeks one here and here. He is so clever and funny and you get to meet new bloggers. After I found out Norman had Osteosarcoma last June Oz asked if he could write a Limerick for his pal Norman. I was so touched, this Limerick means so much to me so I thought I would share it again today. You can see it on Oz page also by clicking here.


11/3/00 I found my pot of gold, I found Norman J Stancer who was richer in life than any pot of gold could of been. His love for me was golden and it filled my heart til it was over flowing, where it will stay til we meet again.


We are now joining Ruckus The Eskie for Sepia Saturday.


Peekaboo I see you.

Peekaboo I see you.

Last Saturday I posted up a tribute to my friend Kathy who lost her Chesapeake Monet. When I hit publish the tribute wasn’t there so I want to take time to share it again today. May Monet always be in your heart guiding you through the tough days, weeks, years ahead.


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21 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #35”

  1. Jan K

    Norman was so cute in his wig! Oz’s limerick for him was great and I’m glad you shared it again.
    What a lovely tribute and poem for Monet (what a great name for a dog!), he had such a sweet face.

  2. easyweimaraner

    I agree, our dogs are more than all the golden pots of all the leprechauns of the green island. I like the limerick, Oz wrote for Norman. He really buried eggs? Have a wonderful saturday and many thanks for sharing the video, it was great :o)

  3. Emma

    What a great tribute, my mom has really leaky eyes. She loves these posts but they always make her cry. Good I am here to snuggle with her even though I don’t know why she gets so sad.

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    That was such a moving and sad post.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog