Nothing But Norman #39

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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I have a big favor to ask my blog pals. You are going to get Norman picture over load today as I am going to post several edited pictures of Norman and I want you to tell me by number which one you would buy on a cafe press item. I was asked by Chesapeake Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin, CRROW if they could use some of my photos for their cafe press online store. I was delighted that they wanted to use my photos. I first sent them the originals of the photos that I thought would look good on merchandise. I then had my friend edit the photos to make them pop and she came up with so many beautiful options I can’t decide. So what I need from you is to tell me which edited photos you think would look good enough for you to buy a Chesapeake item.

1.  954552_10203650342562296_833324189_n

2. 1555851_10203647763537822_1016741988_n

3. 10154648_10203647839859730_1219070370_n

4. 10157080_10203647898141187_1133496425_n

5. 10168237_10203647774698101_299711658_n

6. 10168364_10203647772658050_1916643042_n

7. 10169152_10203647922981808_2036319502_n

8. 10178298_10203650344122335_1477162822_n

9. 10178350_10203647905181363_1309218513_n

10. 10248957_10203647768537947_657218976_n


11. 10259400_10203647837299666_348629143_n

12. 10259494_10203647794458595_250618680_n

13. 10259531_10203650336242138_974838874_n

Here are the originals I took and no editing.

banded duck - Copy


So tell me what you think.

Now onto Sepia Saturday with Ruckus The Eskie.



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Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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We’re also joining the Pet Parade today.

Thank’s to the co-host for hosting this great hop.

Pet Parade_ed-1 (1)

18 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #39”

  1. L. E. Mastilock

    I’d say #1 really stands out. Beautiful. Thanks for joining the Pet Parade again this week! ~Rascal and Rocco

  2. pawedblog

    my very, very favourites are 13 & 10. Huge congrats, but not surprising your photos are always gorgeous!
    Hugs, Carrie (Myfie, Ellie and Millie) x