Nothing But Norman #46

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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We are headed to another AKC Master Hunter test with Norman’s son Gambler today. Hopefully this one will fair better than the one last Saturday. I hate to say it but Norman in his day failed some Master Hunter tests too so I really shouldn’t get so upset over it but I do. Today will be a better day!

Today I am joining Ruckus The Eskie for Sepia Saturday.

Today’s ribbon photo is of Norman holding all his ribbons from his Senior Hunter tests. The order of tests go Junior, Senior, Master.

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This next picture is of Norman along with his trainer Mike who trained him for his Senior and Master titles.

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We are also joining up with The Pet Parade.


18 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #46”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I bet Gambler will be great today, his dad Norman won so much ribbons, so I think Gambler has the x-factor too :O) Good luck, have agreat weekend.

  2. Jan K

    Good luck today! I am sure Gambler will come through just like his father….he just had an off day last weekend. 🙂

  3. pawedblog

    oh Norman! Wow sooo clever.. not just for getting the ribbons but for holding them like that and posing! wowee… gorous photos as always!
    Hugs, Carrie and pups x

  4. M. K. Clinton

    I am keeping faith that gambler will do great today. After all, it is in his blood!! Norman looks so handsome with his ribbons. I love the shot with his trainer too. Hey, I read a Norman Saturday and didn’t cry!! Woo Hoo!!

  5. dollythedoxie

    Norman you are extremely handsome and I hope you had a great day today! Love Dolly

  6. Emmadog

    Hope Gambler does well. If he doesn’t, take a moment to just enjoy working with him, and work out a plan to be more successful next time. Can’t wait to hear how it went.

  7. Jodi

    I’m a sucker for a dog with ribbons, You can ask 2 Brown Dawgs, I get gaga when I see those ribbons. LOL