Nothing But Norman #55

Happy Saturday All!

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Yesterday I showed a picture video of the SS gang at the lake surrounded by lilly pads. Here are some pictures of Norman in the lilly pads on our last adventure to Pardeeville lake. Seeing these pictures makes me sad, I hope he is swimming in the lilly pads up in the big blue sky.

For all of you who got the 2013 Blogville Calendar you get to look at my boy each day of August. My friend posted up this picture on FB and I totally forgot Norman is the dog of August (I’m out of town so can’t flip my calendar). I was just staring at this picture last night when I was thumbing through the lilly pad pictures for this post. Here’s to 31 days of my soulmate Norman.

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie for Sepia Saturday.



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We are also joining in The Pet Parade.


11 Replies to “Nothing But Norman #55”

  1. Emmadog

    Cheers to a month of Norman. I bet he is swimming with Mom’s dog Trine that loved water so much and passed almost 11 yrs ago. Mom misses her every day still.

  2. easyweimaraner

    That’s wonderful, seems the lilly pad was not really tasty :o) Have a wonderful saturday and may the august be a wonderful month for all of us… with Norman as the dog of the month, I’m sure it will be a great month.

  3. Jan K

    Great photos, I love the expressions on his face! Happy August to Norman, up in heaven swimming to his heart’s content. I hope you enjoy seeing him each day of the month, and it doesn’t make you too sad.

  4. Cathy Connolly

    Beautiful and sad at the same time. Your soul mate will be waiting for you when you get to Heaven. I believe they will all be waiting for us and meanwhile having fun and taking care of each other.

  5. fozziemum

    Big hugs to you…hose pictures are beautiful and yes they will make you feel sad..i am sure Nrman is swimming and doing all the things he loved to do with you…until you catch up 🙂 hugs and loves Fozziemum xx