Pampering Your Pet’s and A Thank You

I am a member of the BlogPaws Influencer group. Survey’s are sent out to us, we answer the questions and they put all the stats together in a nice infographic. Are you a member of this 400+ group? If not, they are seeking bloggers and microbloggers who want their voices to be heard and partake in monthly surveys and receive a monthly challenge to help increase your social media presence. Apply for membership here, but no brands, please.

Here is the infographic on Invest in Pet Pampering for the Holidays.

BlogPaws Holiday Pet Blogger Influence and Christmas Gift Spending
I have 4 pets, mostly shop in stores, have spent over 100 on a single pet gift, do send out holiday cards with pictures of the gang and signed with their names, spend up to $100 usually and of course I always take photos of my gang in holiday attire.

Thank you Jodi from Heart Like A Dog for so graciously bestowing on me the Liebster award. This will go on my awards page along with the others. If Jodi and I lived closer I think we would be drunk all the time drinking over our dogs (Delilah & Gman’s) antics with food. If you don’t know Jodi stop on over and say Hi and laugh your ass off while you read her posts!

The rules for this award are to answer 10 questions and then pass the award onto 10 fellow bloggers. I will answer the questions but being the rule breaker that I am I’m not going to pass it on per say as I have passed it on in the past so if your new to my blog and don’t have the award please grab it and display it proudly on your blog from the gang at SS.

Here are the answers to the questions Jodi asked me:

  1. How long have you been blogging? November 17th was three years. I forgot my anniversary date when the day came around but not forgetting it now.
  2. Have your reasons for blogging changed since you first started blogging? Yes, when I first started blogging I wanted to showcase the litter of puppies Nellie had at the time. I didn’t blog very much as I didn’t know what I was really doing. I got back into it and now I blog each day to keep a diary of what my gang is up to. I also want people who are interested in getting a puppy from me to have a place to go to to learn about the gang at Sand Spring Chesapeakes.
  3. Is your blog for fun or are you looking for something more?  If the latter what? It is just for fun but I have done reviews and like getting free stuff so hope to be doing more of that.
  4. How do you judge how well your blogging is going? I don’t really judge. I feel it is my diary and it doesn’t matter how well it is doing. Don’t get me wrong, I want it to do good and to gain followers and hope that everyone enjoys my blog but I’m not about the numbers and having the highest numbers. I wait for the end of the year to come and have the WordPress monkeys tell me how my blog did.
  5. What do you like to do when you aren’t blogging? As you can tell from my blog when I am not blogging I am traveling to meet friends, training, competing, hunting my Chesapeakes.
  6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Hawaii  or any place warm, I really dislike the cold the older I get.
  7. If you could talk to any one person, living or dead, who would it be? My dad, who is dead, he died so young I want a chance to tell him what my adult life has been like.
  8. What is your favorite meal? Pizza & Pasta.
  9. How do you define success in your life? I define success in my life by my heart always being full. I have a great home, great husband, great dogs, great friends and for the most part my life is complete so that is being successful.
  10. What accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of Gambler becoming a Grand Champion in the United Kennel Club and Glory to be Champion.

Thank you to all who entered Glory’s 3rd Birthday Giveaway.

And because I am a dumbass and the rafflecopter isn’t giving me a code to post the winners widget you get the copy and paste method of announcing the winners. Usually I can figure things out but for the life of me I can’t figure that out. Thanks to everyone who entered and congrats to the winners!

The Winner’s Are:


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.



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11 Replies to “Pampering Your Pet’s and A Thank You”

  1. easyweimaraner

    It fits to me too, except the photos in holiday attire, Easy is a professed nudist :o)
    Congrats to your award! btw: forget Hawaii, it’s warm here too (nearly) and the ss-gang would like our hunting areas :o)

  2. Dogs N Pawz

    Congrats on the award and to the winners of the giveaway! Love the picture! Your babies are beautiful! Have a great rest of the week!

  3. Jan K

    I enjoyed your answers to the questions….I like that you don’t worry about the stats on your blog, just enjoying doing it is the most important thing I think.
    You already know how excited we are to have won the collar & leash set! Thank you so much!

  4. Jodi

    I like being drunk. LOL I could see us sitting there telling stories, each one reminding us of another crazy antic that the dogs had done.

    Thanks for answering the questions, I loved reading them. I love learning more about people. You have a great blog and a lot of fun on it and I think that (at least for me) is what it’s all about.

    And thank you for joining the blog hop!!

  5. Emmadog

    Congrats on your liebster. Great to read your answers. For us, fun is the number one objective for the blog, anything else is a bonus. No fun, no more blog.

  6. tylersat99

    Congratulations on your award. I have been blogging a long time, started for fun, to show people where we walk and let them know about Newfs and their personality. Really struggling lately since losing have my team, and Aspen is still deciding what personality to be. That’s feally fun but have no idea how to blog him. Love learning and watching your Chesapeake’s work and interact:)