Preacher Starting Hunt Test Training

Preacher has been doing some hunt test training for a few months now but just here and there learning to retrieve a bumper on a long line and come back to us. We just started incorporating a duck since when she was younger all she wanted to do was pluck and eat it. Now she is understanding the concept of retrieving so she isn’t as interested in eating it as she is bringing it back.

Boy oh boy are we going to go train?

Boy oh boy are we going to go train?

Hi Mom, I guess I best get used to you taking pictures.

Hi Mom, I guess I best get used to you taking pictures.

PicMonkey Collage PicMonkey Collage1 PicMonkey Collage4We started out throwing the bumper so she knew that she needed to retrieve it and bring it back to us.PicMonkey Collage2PicMonkey Collage6After three retrieves with the bumper we moved onto the duck and she brought it back with some encouragement with the leash. She really doesn’t understand the “here” command yet so we don’t set her up to fail, we set her up to succeed so we keep the leash on her and “reel” her in when we say “here” that way she learns when we say “here” it means come to us and bring the duck with you. She is doing really well. It’s all about repetition just like any training, you need to set up a schedule and just keep at it each day.


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23 Replies to “Preacher Starting Hunt Test Training”

  1. easyweimaraner

    BRavo Preacher, I’m sure you will be a famous hunter girl soon, like your mom and your daddy :o) …oh btw: what’s with that duck? I feel some hunger in one of my 7 stomachs :o)

  2. Beth

    I agree with SlimDoggy, it does look like she doesn’t want to give up that duck! It sounds like she’s making great progress, though. Can’t wait to read more as she gets even better 🙂

  3. Jessica Rhae (@YDWWYW)

    I really need to work on “here” with Gretel again. She got it about 80% when we took training after adopting her but both her and I got lazy. Now she will get really distracted by something and not come to me. Using a leash or long line is a good idea for making sure they are successful.