Puppies In Tub


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We had a fun photo shoot this past weekend. The puppies turned 5 weeks old on Saturday. Only three more weeks until they go to their new homes. It’s a good thing I’m keeping one as they are just too darn cute. I’ve narrowed down my decision, I will be keeping either Orange or Pink. Who will the lucky lady be?

11 Replies to “Puppies In Tub”

  1. Cathy Connolly

    Oh just too much cuteness for one tub to hold. Such awesome baby pictures! You are facing a very difficult decision, so to make it easier just keep both 🙂

  2. Fozziemum

    Oh no..how do you choose….i would lose my tiny mind..run screaming into the bush with them all never to be seen again…..ADORABLE!! loves Bev xx