Senior Wellness ~ Nellie’s Health Series Part 6: Pulled Tendon

Today’s FitDog Friday post is on:  Senior Wellness ~ Nellie’s Health Series Part 6: Pulled Tendon

You mean I should be warming up before I go nuts in the field?

Last week for our FitDog fitness I talked about How To Stay Fit In Cold Temps, you can read about it here. What I failed to do was do what Slimdoggy has been telling me to do for a couple of years now (a do as I say moment not as I do). I failed to do some “prehab” stuff with Nellie before going out and playing in the snow. Meaning I should of done some stretching and warm up exercises with her. If I would of done those she might not of pulled her tendon.

I opened up the door and let the gang go, they started grabbing toys and were off running, chasing, playing grabass. This was all well and fine for the younger SS gang who are in shape and more athletic than Nellie but this time it was too much for Nellie. She had fun playing and getting in her exercise and when it came to later that day she turned up lame on her front right leg. I started her on a NSAID which I keep on hand for times like this and took her to work with me to have an exam done to find out what was wrong. The Doctor examined her and found her left hip that she broke when she was 1.5 years old bothered her when stretched out and her front right shoulder bothered her when that was stretched out. The doctor felt discomfort in one of the tendons in her shoulder. So rest, NSAIDS and stretching exercises before next exercise day.

I did a search on Slimdoggy because I know they talk about the importance of “prehab” and these are the results I came up with :

Six exercise tips for senior dogs

Preventing injury in sporting dogs

Exercise alternatives for senior dogs

Benefits of strength training for dogs

I will be a smarter parent from now on and warm up that old gal before exercise.

This concludes my Senior Wellness ~ Nellie’s Health Series. Thanks for following along with Nellie’s annual Veterinary exam. Nellie is doing just great, she hasn’t had anymore testing and is hanging out being Nellie. We will wait and see how she does before going further with any testing. Her pulled tendon is doing well also. We won a giveaway over at Heart Like A Dog for Rejuvenate (thank you Jodi), we just got the bottle and started Nellie on it so we will see if it makes a difference with her old bones.


The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With LoveSlimDoggy and Emma from Mygbgvlife to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.





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17 Replies to “Senior Wellness ~ Nellie’s Health Series Part 6: Pulled Tendon”

  1. Jodi

    I’ve enjoyed this series and learned a lot. I’m so glad you won the Rejenease and I do hope it helps Nellie. Please let me know?

  2. easyweimaraner

    Oh… Nellie I hope the meds help you and the pains go away soon. I would like to hear what experiences you made with Rejuvenate, hope it will work wonders, that would be great!

  3. Emmadog

    We started that same supplement on Katie yesterday at double dose for a month to see if we get any results. Hope it helps the dogs out!

  4. Cathy Connolly

    Poor girl, oh those moments, we all have them regardless of how much we try to avoid them, hopefully she’ll be back to herself soon. Hugs to you Nellie 🙂 This has been a great health series about Nellie, thanks so much for sharing them with all of us!

  5. Buddy Kacher

    This has been a wonderful series. Thanks so much, it was very informative. My late Chessie cross ruptured her tendon when she was 10 years old. She had surgery, lots of rehab and after that, we had a warm up session before she was allowed to run. Thanks again for the information.

  6. Jan K

    I’m glad to hear that all is well with Nellie. I’ve never really thought much about “prehab”. I usually just open the door and let ’em go. So thanks for sharing about that, I’ll have to read those articles (or probably re-read, I usually read most of SlimDoggy’s stuff!). BTW, we received the collar yesterday, thank you so much…it fits perfectly!!

  7. MyDogLikes

    I must admit that I hadn’t even thought about prepping the dogs for exercise until Charlie recently started his agility class. I do worry about how aggressively he runs and jumps and also about Harley as he is getting older. Thanks for linking all that info – this is something we need to learn more about and make a part of our routine.

    I hope Nellie feels better soon!

  8. Elaine

    I hope Nellie is feeling better soon. Thanks for highlighting the benefits of warming up for senior dogs. I need to focus more on this since Haley is getting a little older too.