FitDog Friday With A #K9Kamp Fire

For the past three weeks the Sand Spring gang has joined with #K9Kamp and their Backyard Fun and Fitness. The had a blast each week. Let’s have a little recap!

Week One: Rope Fitness

You can read the whole story here.

Rope toy’s seem to be their favorite toys while outside playing. They play tug-o-war, the play keep-o-way, they play catch and chase. Great fitness to get the heart pumping.

Week Two: Balls, Balls, Balls

You can read the whole story here.

Balls are their second favorite, as you can see the jolly ball is a big hit and the red one has been destroyed by Gambler (pre CGC). They will jump up in the air to try and catch the balls, they play keep-o-way and chase with them too.

Week Three: Star Drill

You can read the whole story here.

As for their non toy favorite of course it has to be bumpers. Bumpers mean they are hunt test training and that is their most favorite activity of all.

All three backyard fitness fun games keeps the gang in shape by building up their muscles from all the running, twisting and jumping and it strengthens their heart and lungs from all the fast movements.

The gang enjoyed this kamp and is happy to sit around the kamp fire and share their stories as well as listen to the other kampers stories on how they stayed fit this month.

Oh yes almost forgot the Kat Kounselor was active in each weeks activities also.

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The fun and games continue every Friday with FitDog Friday, the weekly Blog Hop brought to you by To Dog With Love, SlimDoggy and The Writer’s Dog(formerly known as Peggy’s Pet Place) to promote a healthy active lifestyle for pets (and their people, too!). Join in every Friday by linking up your FitDog story or visiting the blogs in the Hop.

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FitDog Friday~Ducks and Pink Bumpers

This weekend we did some land and water training, the dogs were getting fit in both venues. Today’s pictures were taken on our land training. We used ducks on the marks and then pink bumpers for the blinds.


Glory taking off.

Glory taking off.

When doesn't line the mark she needs to run and hunt it up.

When doesn’t line the mark she needs to run and hunt it up.

Got it.

Got it.

Another mark and retrieve.

Another mark and retrieve.

Head shot before the blind.

Head shot before the blind.

The blind and the pink bumper.

The blind and the pink bumper.

Gambler the power house.

Gambler the power house.

Taking a pivot to get back on track.

Taking a pivot to get back on track.

Coming in.

Coming in.

For the most part when training and running marks the dogs do several sprints and then a long run-hunt may happen when they lose track of where the bird went. With blinds there may be several starts and stops with pivots to get their next cast. So they are working several muscles and doing several types of fitness when out training.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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FitDog Friday~Pheasant Fitness

Our FitDog fitness this week was 2 days of Pheasant Fitness. We still have some pheasants in our pens so we thought since it was a nice weekend we should put some pheasants out and let the dogs get in some pheasant hunting while staying fit. The dogs of course were so excited that they finally got to get out and do a little hunting. It’s been a long cold snowy winter here so not much hunting going on for the SS gang.

Nellie burning rubber to get to the marsh.

Nellie burning rubber to get to the marsh.

Coming out of the tall grass.

Coming out of the tall grass.

Taking a breather.

Taking a breather.

I think I smell a bird.

I think I smell a bird.

I think it is in here.

Glory’s turn. I think it is in here.

Mom it really is in here.

Mom it really is in here.

Told you!

Told you!

Gambler had the most fitness as his bird got away.

Gambler had the most fitness as his bird got away.

Still has energy to jump into the grass.

Still has energy to jump into the grass.

Still going strong.

Still going strong.

So happy to be out and about getting fit.

So happy to be out and about getting fit.

Since it is spring now, training season is right around the corner so keeping fit will be happening more often around here.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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FitDog Friday~Neck Strengthening Tools

This past Sunday the SS gang went on a walk/run around our property. We finally didn’t have freezing temps and the weather was somewhat nice, the snow is melting so I thought I better get out and get some snow pictures before it is all gone. After our walk I decided we came across three neck strengthening tools that I wasn’t even aware of.

The first neck strengthening tool is a ball. It really has a dual purpose, Gambler carries it the whole time we are out and about so he is strengthening his neck muscles when carrying it and when he puts it down and picks it up again more strengthening. It also promotes the game of chase as the other dogs want the ball too so he runs away with his ball and they chase after him to try and get the ball for him. All in all exercise for them all.






The second tool is sticks, the gang found tree limbs laying around so they thought they should pick them up and carry them around. If one dog picked one up the other dog thought they should have that stick too so then it was a game of tug o war with the stick working on not only strengthening the neck muscles but the whole upper body.








The third tool is firewood, on our way back to the house Glory just happened upon a piece of firewood that she carried from the deck to the pasture so now she found it again and decided she needed to carry it back to the house getting in some strengthening exercise as she goes.


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So you can find stuff out in the environment to help out with your exercise program.

Nellie says phooie on exercise.

Nellie says phooie on exercise.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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