Monday Mischief~Solvit Bag Takes A Lickin Cuz Of The Jones Chews

Solvit Bag Takes A Lickin Cuz Of The Jones Chews

Mischief???? Not me?????

As you may know I work out of town on Monday and Tuesdays. I come home Tuesday nights and Wednesdays are one of my day’s off. Now after the gang has been kenneled for 2 days while we’re away working by Wednesday Gambler is wound tight (as most of my mischief stuff happens on Wednesday’s) he also knows Wednesday’s are for hunt test training. I was having one of those mornings…..when I had so much going on in my head I forgot what I was doing and once again  the mischief happened.

I didn’t leave my Solvit bag here.

I was packing up my stuff to go train, talking on the phone walked out the house with all my bags (all four of them) when I realized I needed to go back in the house and draw a picture of last weekend test so I can so the training group. I set my 4 bags down on the high porch chairs and table that are on my deck and went back inside to draw the picture. I was still talking on the phone, drawing the picture and headed back outside. I walked across the lawn and saw……….guess who……..standing over my Solvit bag with stuff pulled out of it! My friend proceeded to listen to me scream at GAMBLER!

Stuff pulled out through the side opening.

The Solvit bag holds dog treats, my video camera, my camera and it’s extra lens as well as other dog items. The item near the top of my photo is my video camera, the item in the middle is a poop bag the item in the front is my extra camera lens. Everything was covered in cut grass, it was a mess.

What a mess.

Now what might make a dog go stark raving mad and pull this heavy bag off of the table carry it to the middle of the lawn and rip stuff out of it to get to the good stuff…..the good stuff being Jones Natural Chews knee caps! Yup that’s right my gang loves Jones Knee Caps! Gambler loves them so much he thought he should help himself since I was tied up doing 5 things at once.

Jones Natural Chews knee caps are nummy! They make dogs go stark raving mad!

Now I must say, that Solvit bag is built Gambler tough on the outside. I was really cringing when I saw what he did, I thought he wrecked my nice bag. At first inspection it looked like nothing happened to it. I then opened it up and there was one little puncture hole in the lining of the flap and he tore the inside liner a bit. It could of been much worse and those things I can fit. The outside is made of some really rugged material.

The rip in the lining.

Good as new.

I took a broom to the outside of the bag and got all the grass off, I had to get all the grass off my camera and the other stuff that was in the bag. Have a slight repair to do but all in all this is one Gambler tough bag!

Thanks Solvit for making a rugged bag and thank you Jones for making tasty treats.

On a side note….poor Gambler didn’t get a knee cap that day nor has he gotten one yet. And like a dummy the knee caps are still in that bag and the bag is sitting on a chair in the house. Gambler did this all before he was a Canine Good Citizen so now that he passed his test I recon he won’t be getting into anymore mischief…..what do you all think? Should I not hold my breath??????

I’m a Canine Good Citizen now, I don’t do mischief.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Monday Mischief~Remains To Be Seen







Three months ago my very best friend Sue passes away. She had a very small family and I was like a daughter to her. After she passed and I met her brother John at the Humane Society to bust her dog and cat out of jail he said to me “I don’t know what I am going to do with Sue”, “she didn’t tell me what she wanted done after she passed”. I told him that I wanted to take her animals remains and spread them on my property so they were with someone who loved them. I then suggested that he have Sue cremated and I would take her remains and put them with all her animals and I would spread them all in spots that are very special to me so I can go to those spots and have my peaceful time with my friend and her pets. During the 24 years that we were friends many animals came into her life and spent their whole life with her until their end. She was a dog and cat lover and gave them the best live they could ask for. Her fur children were: Missy, Bucky, Pepper, Bicky, Mickey, Elliott,  Stewie, Ray and Oscar. 

A couple weeks ago I met John at the funeral home and picked up Sue in her car that she left me when she passed. She was with me again riding shotgun instead of driving this time.

Hang on Sue your going for a ride.

Hang on Sue your going for a ride.

When I posted this photo on Facebook a couple people said “don’t let Gambler get a hold of her”. I was like “what” Gambler, he wouldn’t do such a thing. Sue was safe as she was in a tin that was put high on the shelf.

Until yesterday when I finally decided to combine Sue with all her pets. It was time they were all together again as today is what would of been Sue’s 68th Birthday. It was time to spread her and her fur children in one of my special spots for her Birthday.

Sue and her fur children.

Sue and her fur children.

I removed everyone and mixed them up and put them back into a couple of different packages to be spread in different places. I had my first little package and I put it in the pail that I mixed them all up in and set it on the floor in the kitchen. I have ADD and thought I needed to water the plant in the same room where I just was so I went in and watered the plant.

The mixing pail that had the little bag of remains in.

The mixing pail that had the little bag of remains in.

I come back into the other room and John comes walking over and said “Is Gambler suppose to have this”?

The remains.

The remains.



Remains spread on Glory's pillow.

Remains spread on Glory’s pillow.

Gambler grabbed the bag, went on Glory’s pillow and started to rip it open. John heard him and checked on him and this is what he saw minus the bag. He thought he was being helpful by spreading the remains in the house, guess he thought I wanted her in the house with us. He was right I wanted her in the house with us but I had already put the remains in a little urn to keep in the house not the real Macoy laying on my floor.

My special spot that I wanted to lay Sue and her fur children to rest is on my bother’s and my land where we laid our dad and mom to rest. This is one of my peaceful places I go when I need to collect myself and be by my loved ones. Sue was there for me when my dad and mom died so I thought she needed to be with them now.

RIP Sue & Fur Children.

RIP Sue & Fur Children.

Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed, we therefore commit his body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.

So in the end my friends were right and Gambler got into Sue…..A mischief maker indeed.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Monday Mischief~Catching Up

Two weeks ago I talked about my gator hunt as the gang didn’t get into any mischief, you can read about gators here. Everyone was surprised that Gman didn’t get into any mischief, well he made up for it the next week. Here is what has been happening around our house. It’s a week of playing catch up in mischief.

I have a couple of video’s of mischief to share. This first one is Gman Vs Goose. John brought his goose decoy in the house to fix it. This is what Gman thought of the goose decoy.

Disregard the potty mouth from John, we really don’t talk to our family pet’s that way. lol

This next video is Gman trying to get the cat’s food on the table.

photo 2

Gman was so full of it having a week off from mischief he decided it would be a good time to wreck Glory’s bed.

Glory didn’t want to get left out so she grabbed some potpourri that the cat flung off the coffee table and started chewing on it.

photo 5

Now Gambler has been reading his pal Easy’s blog a little too much and wanted to keep up with Easy in the toy destruction posts.

Gman Vs Big Red Bone

I'm being a good boy.

I’m being a good boy.

What do we have in here?

What do we have in here?

I think there is a squeekie in here.

I think there is a squeekie in here.

There is only fuzz....

There is only fuzz….

I must get all the fuzz out.

I must get all the fuzz out.

This is how my pal Easy does it.

This is how my pal Easy does it.

photo 3

Sure is a lot of fuzz.

Sure is a lot of fuzz.

I think I have it all.

I think I have it all.

The infirmary.

The infirmary.

Watcha doing mom?

Watcha doing mom?

MK helping out.

MK helping out.

MK watching gman steal the toy.

MK watching gman steal the toy.

How’s that for taking a week off of mischief?


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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