Nothing But Norman #79

Happy Saturday All!

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This was from one of our hunts at Pheasant Creek Hunt Club. My friend Lynn was shooting and I was taking pictures. She is a guide at the hunt club with her pointers. I got to let Norman and Nellie get a few birds that day. I just love the first photo I’m going to show it in color too so you can see the beauty of the rooster pheasant in color.

Guess you really can’t see the color since I resized the photo. Norman used to point the birds before he flushed them. He was just a clown sometimes he would pounce on them like a mouse.

Once again Norman has come back to me. My best friend got me this set of glasses for Christmas. I thanked her for including Norman and she said “he will always be part of the family”. Thank you Amy, I love them!

We are joining Ruckus The Eskie and Earl’s World for Sepia Saturday.


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We are also joining The Pet Parade.


Mischief Monday~Two Mischief’s In One Day

While we were out for some exercise the other day before the deep freeze the gang and I was walking through the pasture to get back home when all of a sudden Nellie stopped, put her nose to the ground and started sniffing the dirt. Of course you can’t do anything without the Gman noticing so off he ran to see what Nellie was doing.

I better see what is in here.

Nellie, if you find a mouse hole you need to check it out.

Nellie, you dig a bigger hole so you can see the mouse.

Hello Mr. Mouse…..are you in there?

Gambler dug to china and no mouse, must of been a old hole.

Next mischief was went we went to feed the pheasants, of course Gambler has to scour the garden in hopes to find his friend the pheasant.

Lookie, lookie what I found in the garden!

I will get you Miss Pheasant!

The pheasant is gaining air.

You can’t fly faster than I can run.

And the slip, the pheasant got the best of Gambler and flew off.

Better luck next time Gman, guess you better be sharper than the pheasant.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Black And White Sunday~The Gx2 & N Team Pheasant Hunting


Nellie & Glory

G, G & N Team


We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

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FitDog Friday~Pheasants For Marks

First off to our host at FitDog Friday Blog Hop:


This past weekend we decided to use all our pheasants we had left in the pen. This time we didn’t let the dogs hunt’em up like they did all winter (which is what pheasant hunting is about). This time we set up a mock hunt test and used the pheasants as live flyers. Once again John was out in the field shooting a double with the pheasants, there was a blind set up also. I was handling the gang. All three dogs got to have some training.

Nellie was first:

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Second was Glory:

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Third was Gambler:


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They all did very well. I was super happy with Gambler as he had his double then John shot a single which I let go as a poison bird (he was told no bird and wasn’t able to pick up that bird) and ran a blind, after the blind then he went back and picked up the mark.

Whatcha doing Gman?

Whatcha doing Gman?

You got a feather in your mouth.

You got a feather in your mouth.


We had a great training day. If the weather would just say nice and warm so we can continue getting some training in for the upcoming hunt tests.

Stop back tomorrow to find out what one of Norman’s daughters accomplished.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Sand Spring Chesapeakes is joining the Pet Parade also this week!

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Hosted by: Rascal and Rocco, Jan’s Funny Farm, Basil the Bionic Cat, Barking From The Bayou and Love Is Being Owned By A Husky.

Here is what Love Is Being Owned By A Husky (Jenna along with Melissa from Barking From The Bayou are the new co-hosts)  says about the hop: So please feel free to link up and party with us! 
Parade you fav pet photo’s , stories , ANYTHING you want! The only rule is . . . .
There are no rules!
And that’s the way we like it! Who needs rules at a party anyhow?
BUT it is always a good idea to link back to your hosts, and maybe even give them a follow!

Also, this hop consists mostly of kitties , there are a couple doggies that are involved, but the majority are kitties, so one of the reasons Melissa and are now co hosting is to let you all know that this hop is DOG FURIENDLY as well!  

FitDog Friday~Pheasant Fitness

Our FitDog fitness this week was 2 days of Pheasant Fitness. We still have some pheasants in our pens so we thought since it was a nice weekend we should put some pheasants out and let the dogs get in some pheasant hunting while staying fit. The dogs of course were so excited that they finally got to get out and do a little hunting. It’s been a long cold snowy winter here so not much hunting going on for the SS gang.

Nellie burning rubber to get to the marsh.

Nellie burning rubber to get to the marsh.

Coming out of the tall grass.

Coming out of the tall grass.

Taking a breather.

Taking a breather.

I think I smell a bird.

I think I smell a bird.

I think it is in here.

Glory’s turn. I think it is in here.

Mom it really is in here.

Mom it really is in here.

Told you!

Told you!

Gambler had the most fitness as his bird got away.

Gambler had the most fitness as his bird got away.

Still has energy to jump into the grass.

Still has energy to jump into the grass.

Still going strong.

Still going strong.

So happy to be out and about getting fit.

So happy to be out and about getting fit.

Since it is spring now, training season is right around the corner so keeping fit will be happening more often around here.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Thursday Barks And Bytes

BB3 I am happy to be joining Linda at 2browndawgs and Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for their very first Thursday Barks And Bytes blog hop.

For my Barks today I will share some photos from a pheasant hunt we did at Sand Spring Chesapeakes. I still have pheasants that I raised this spring in pens. The winter weather has been hard on them and on their pen. Their pen doors froze shut with the ice storm we had so I had to kick the door in to open it to water them so I decided it was time to have a little hunt so I didn’t have so many to take care of. It also let the dogs have some fun in the middle of winter when no hunting is going on. I asked my nephew Joey if he wanted to join in and of course he jumped at the chance so here is our hunt. Each dog was to get 4 pheasants a piece but we ended up only getting 11 of the 12 birds. Great time was had by all.

Nellie was first up on the hunt.





Miss Glory was next up.



Gambler was the last dog up, he got to hunt with Glory. I knew he would get to retrieve birds since he is faster than Glory but we needed both dogs out there as the birds got up and ran so we need more noses to find them.




For my Bytes:

photo 2

photo 3

photo 3 (2)

Back in December Boingy Dog had a WagAware giveaway and I was lucky enough to win 2 WagAware pet charms. You can read about them from Boingy Dog here.


I will be putting these charms on Gambler and Glory’s therapy dog collars. This is a great conversation starter on why one should adopt  a shelter dog or rescue one from a private organization. Thanks Boingy Dog!

bb3b_fotor1 Thanks again for a great blog hop!

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Wordless Wednesday~Pheasant Hunt With The Nephew


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Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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Monday Mischief~The Eye Tells All

If you have any doubt as to what kind of mischief is going on look into Nellie’s eye and she will tell you.

Look into my eye, I will tell you the story.

Look into my eye, I will tell you the story.

What? Can't see the story yet? Let's move in closer.

What? Can’t see the story yet? Let’s move in closer.

Can you see the story I am telling now?

Can you see the story I am telling now?

How about now? Look deeply into my eye, I will tell you.

How about now? Look deeply into my eye, I will tell you.

John is on the left and I am on the right in the orange. I do believe John is yelling at Gambler to “get back here” as we were hunting pheasants at the time and Gambler likes to range. When John yells at Gambler to “get back here” Nellie stops in her tracts as she thinks she is the one getting yelled at but it is rarely her. Just look into Nellie’s eye to see what mischief lies ahead.

monday mischief


This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.



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DNR Hatchery ~Picking Up Our Pheasant Chicks

MacKenzie Center, part of DNR.

MacKenzie Center, part of DNR.

Our Adventure to the DNR Hatchery began Thursday April 18th, 2013. Earlier I placed a order with the hatchery to buy 100 day old hen pheasants. Thursday they being separated from the roosters so I could go pick mine up. The Hatchery is on The State Game Farm along with the MacKenzie Environmental Center.

“Experience the best in outdoor education.”

The MacKenzie Environmental Education Center (MEEC) is one of the most diverse environmental education centers in Wisconsin. Encompassing 250 acres, the center has a variety of habitat types including prairie and forestland. MEEC is an excellent place to visit and learn more about the natural world through hands-on outdoor experiences, family outings, hiking and picnics.

Located just 25 miles north of Madison, MEEC is readily accessible to people of all ages in south-central Wisconsin.

Rearing Facility.

Rearing Facility.

This is what the state game farm does, taken from their website:

State Game Farm

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) – State Game Farm is located near Poynette in central Columbia County. The goals of the State Game Farm and the pheasant stocking program are to provide quality pheasant hunting opportunities on public and private lands, promote safe and ethical behavior in the field, and cooperate with conservation groups dedicated to promoting pheasant hunting in the state. There are a number of programs the WDNR uses to accomplish these goals.

All ring-necked pheasants provided by the WDNR for each of these programs are produced at the State Game Farm. A pair of indoor breeder barns were built in the early 1980s to increase bio-security measures and pheasant production levels. By adjusting indoor lighting levels, the Game Farm staff is able to artificially induce production at any time of year. Currently, pheasants in these barns are put into production in February and the first eggs are collected in early March.

The original hatchery from the early 1930s is still in use today. Approximately 330,000 eggs are incubated annually in incubators that have been in use since the 1950s. Weekly hatches occur from early April through the end of June. At the end of the hatching season approximately 250,000 chicks will be hatched. Many of these chicks will be reared on the Game Farm, with some going to conservation clubs that participate in the Day-old Chick program. Hen chicks are also available for sale to the public.

Pheasant chicks are reared in two environmentally controlled brood-rearing barns. These barns were erected in the early 1980s to increase bio-security measures and the efficiency of chick rearing operations. Approximately 60,000 chicks are reared indoors until they are 6 weeks old. Chicks are then transferred from the indoor rearing facilities to the outdoor range fields until they are released in the fall.

DNR office building.

DNR office building.

The Hatchery.

The Hatchery.

Once inside the hatchery to pick up our hen pheasants I asked the gentleman working there if he minded me taking some pictures for my blog, he said “of course you can and I will give you a tour”. I thought that was great! I have picked up hen pheasants from them before but I never got a tour.

Sexing the chicks.

Sexing the chicks.

These are the workers sexing the chicks. The chicks were just hatched out and being sexed. They keep the roosters to raise and release during the Wisconsin pheasant hunting season on the DNR public land. The hens are sold to the public. I paid .15 cents for one day old.

Picking out the roosters.

Picking out the roosters.

Roosters go in this hole.

Roosters go in this hole.

How they tell the roosters.

How they tell the roosters.

You can sex the roosters by the hens when they are a day old. You look below the eye on the cheek pouch and there will be a line with no feathers. This is the rooster. When I have gotten hens in the past I have gotten a couple roosters so some do slip by. It is hard to sex them after

Another rooster.

Another rooster.

150 roosters.

150 roosters.

They count 150 roosters and put in these containers.

Recounting and making sure 150 in bin.

Recounting and making sure 150 in bin.

This guy is recounting and making sure there are 150 birds in a bin. These will then go to the brooder house.

1934 incubator.

1934 incubator.

This was one of the first incubators used back in 1934. They were still using this incubator up until a few years ago.

Can see how old this incubator is. 1934

Can see how old this incubator is. 1934

You can tell how old the above incubator is by looking at the number 662W. That number was the phone number of the incubator company. What a great piece of history.
