FitDog Friday~Pheasants For Marks

First off to our host at FitDog Friday Blog Hop:


This past weekend we decided to use all our pheasants we had left in the pen. This time we didn’t let the dogs hunt’em up like they did all winter (which is what pheasant hunting is about). This time we set up a mock hunt test and used the pheasants as live flyers. Once again John was out in the field shooting a double with the pheasants, there was a blind set up also. I was handling the gang. All three dogs got to have some training.

Nellie was first:

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Second was Glory:

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Third was Gambler:


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They all did very well. I was super happy with Gambler as he had his double then John shot a single which I let go as a poison bird (he was told no bird and wasn’t able to pick up that bird) and ran a blind, after the blind then he went back and picked up the mark.

Whatcha doing Gman?

Whatcha doing Gman?

You got a feather in your mouth.

You got a feather in your mouth.


We had a great training day. If the weather would just say nice and warm so we can continue getting some training in for the upcoming hunt tests.

Stop back tomorrow to find out what one of Norman’s daughters accomplished.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Sand Spring Chesapeakes is joining the Pet Parade also this week!

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Hosted by: Rascal and RoccoJan’s Funny FarmBasil the Bionic CatBarking From The Bayou and Love Is Being Owned By A Husky.

Here is what Love Is Being Owned By A Husky (Jenna along with Melissa from Barking From The Bayou are the new co-hosts)  says about the hop: So please feel free to link up and party with us! 
Parade you fav pet photo’s , stories , ANYTHING you want! The only rule is . . . .
There are no rules!
And that’s the way we like it! Who needs rules at a party anyhow?
BUT it is always a good idea to link back to your hosts, and maybe even give them a follow!

Also, this hop consists mostly of kitties , there are a couple doggies that are involved, but the majority are kitties, so one of the reasons Melissa and are now co hosting is to let you all know that this hop is DOG FURIENDLY as well!  

16 Replies to “FitDog Friday~Pheasants For Marks”

  1. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    Hi gang! Looks like a very productive training run. Love that picture of Glory giving G’man a little smooch. Priceless. Thanks for joining the Hop and being such loyal FitDog Friday fans.

  2. Cascadian Nomads

    Gambler is always so speedy and can smile even with a mouth full! Such a good, hard working crew.

  3. Donna O.

    What a great way to keep them fit, and love that they’ll drop the “poison” bird when you tell them to. They look quite proud of themselves in those last photos. 🙂

  4. Emmadog

    They look so good with the bird in the mouth…kind of like me with a wabbit but we don’t have any photos of that. Happy FitDog Friday!

  5. L. E. Mastilock

    Looks like they’re training up well and loving their work! Thanks for sharing on the Pet Parade

  6. M. K. Clinton

    I’m so glad that you joined us on the Pet Parade. Your photos are just gorgeous. I love the close-ups and “the feather in your mouth” Hee hee!

  7. Jan K

    Looks like a great day for everyone, and some wonderful photos. I hope your good weather continues. Congratulations on your FitDog Friday award too!

  8. 2browndawgs

    Very cool that you got to do a mock test with birds. 🙂 Sounds like the dogs did great and you sure got some nice pictures. All three brown dawgs know all about those poison birds because we have been working those a lot.