Thursday Barks And Bytes~A Little Bit Of Everything



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.
The Barks:
First off I want to give a couple of shout out’s to a couple of blog’s I follow. First is a big thank you to Russel over at Russel Ray Photos. One day on his blog he offered a free reflection photo art of one of your photos for the first 20 people that commented on his blog. I jumped at the chance as his work is super cool and love everything he does with his photos. He just opened up his online store of Photographic Art where you can go and purchase his work.
This is the photo I sent Russel:
This is what Russel did with my picture:
DSC_1006 reflection
Second I want to give a shout out to Jackie Bouchard over at Pooch Smooches. She has a hilarious blog about her life and her dog Rita. She is also a author and has two books published. Rescue Me, Maybe which is her second book published and her first book What The Dog Ate which I just finished reading. You can head on over to Amazon and get a kindle copy of this book for only $2.99. What a steal for such a great book.
MY DEBUT NOVEL This was a fabulous book, once I started reading it I couldn’t put it down. She kept me on my toes and wanting to know what happened next. It was a light fun read about relationships and of course dogs. You can read all about the book on her blog here.
I won a contest! Ann over at Pawsitively Pets had a St. Patrick’s day instagram contest for a chance to win a petbox, #petbox, #luckofthepetbox. Of course I had to enter Gman in his Irish costume. This is the one I submitted.
We were so happy to hear that we won. We never got a petbox before so we were super excited to find out about it. Yesterday the petbox arrived.
The dogs are wondering if the petbox is for them or for MK.

The dogs are wondering if the petbox is for them or for MK.

When can we open it?

When can we open it?

As you can see from the video Gambler was super excited to get the petbox in the mail. He wouldn’t let me open it nicely to display the contents nicely to you so you get the Gambler way.

Super excited to have the box opened.

Super excited to have the box opened.

What kind of goodies are in here?

What kind of goodies are in here?

Look at all the cool stuff we got!

Look at all the cool stuff we got!

Thanks Pawsitively Pets!

Thanks Pawsitively Pets!

We loved the BOGO Bowl dog food.

We loved the BOGO Bowl dog food.

Even MK loved the food.

Even MK loved the food.

Nellie and the skinny toy.

Nellie and the skinny toy.

Thank you again Pawsitively Pets for such a great prize.

The Bytes:

While reading my blogs and having my morning Chai Tea Glory decided she wanted to say Hi and read 2browndawgs blog today.

Hi Thunder, Storm and Freighter!

Hi Thunder, Storm and Freighter!

Bear with me if I posted this up already as I have short term memory loss. I want to tell you all how excited I am to have gotten an invitation to the UKC Premier Top Ten Invitational for the second year in a row. This makes two years in a row that my boy Gambler was the #1 Chesapeake Bay Retriever in the 2013 UKC Top Ten Dog and Breed Standings. He finished his year with 16 points. When I did a search for the most points I could only search as far back as 2007. In the past years I found one Chesapeake that had more points than Gambler two different years. So that would make Gambler the #3 dog with highest points. I am unable to go to the Premier this year. It saddens me but I guess sometimes in life you have to choose what adventures you can go on. Money is really limited right now with my wrist surgery so I am saving my penny’s to take both Gambler and Glory to Canada again this fall for a snow goose hunt. I think Gambler will much rather hunt then dance around a ring, what do you think?


MK wanted to share a couple of video’s of her:

Last weekend we cleaned out the wood duck houses down by the creek so of course I had to take my camera with.

Stop back tomorrow for our FitDog Friday post which happens to be their ONE year Blog Anniversary. Congrats!

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21 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes~A Little Bit Of Everything”

  1. Sue

    You’ve had quite a week! Love Jackie’s books – they’re such fun 🙂 Congrats to Gambler and I’m sorry you can’t go. However, I’m quite sure he’d rather hunt snow geese than prance around a ring!

  2. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Looks like it’s swim time there now! Temps here have been in the high 80’s lately, so it has to be warm there too! (doesn’t it?)

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. paws2smile

    Hahaha! I love the video of Gambler and the box! So funny! Great pictures as well. Congrats on the UKC Top Ten Invitational but sorry that you cannot go. 🙁 I understand about sometimes choosing what you can and cannot do. Darn being an adult and…having to make adult decisions! Haha!

  4. Jodi

    WOW!! What a busy post. You certainly had lots going on. Congrats on Gambler being top dog (although don’t tell him, I’m afraid it will go to his head.) And honestly, I thought he acted very lab like with that food box and I admit to laughing out loud after you told him to SIT and he jumped up and took the box.

    I’m a bit behind in everything and don’t remember hearing about wrist surgery. When is that scheduled to take place?

    Thanks so much for joining the blog hop!! Have a great day.

  5. amywern

    Gambler you are a NUT but a handsome one at that! Love your enthusiasm. And Flory, you just get sweeter each day like your mama…

  6. Will and Eko

    Lots of adventure both inside and out – looks like a romping good time for all! And I’m with you, I’m sure Gambler would prefer a Canadian adventure.

  7. Dakota/Caren/Cody

    Have to tell you, that photographer did an AMAZING job with that photo! WOW!!!!!! We LOVE LOVE LOVE Jackie Bouchard’s writing, AND we reviewed BOTH of her books on Dakota’s blog……..go have a look! Congrats on your win too!

  8. FleaByte

    My goodness! How busy you are! It must be spring. And I don’t ever think I’ve seen a dog as excited about a box as Gambler got! Oh my! I love Jackie’s books, too. 🙂

  9. Jan K

    Great videos….Gambler just cracked me up with his antics over the pet box. That is one happy and excited boy! Congrats to him for being #1! It’s unfortunate that we can’t always do all the things we want to in life, but I definitely think he will enjoy the hunt more.

  10. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining the hop and I hope Glory enjoyed my blog….lol. Gambler sure had fun with the Pet Box. It is a wonder you got it away from him. 🙂 Congrats on making #1. Too bad about the Premier. I know you enjoyed that last year. Your doggies got to go swimming…our dawgs are jealous!

  11. Ann "Paws" Staub

    Oh my gosh!!! Wow Gambler you really did love the PetBox BOL! I love that video. That’s exactly how Shiner acted with the platypus toy… I wanted to take a picture of it, but she wouldn’t give it to me for nothing! So glad you guys liked it! Thanks again for entering and sharing. I’m going to have to show that video to the PetBox peeps!

  12. M. K. Clinton

    Congratulations on all of your good news! I had to laugh at your PetBox box! I am happy to say that our Skineeez platypus is still together and gets played with very rough!

  13. mollieandalfie

    Fank youz for coming to my pawty and making my birthday so special. Wez away’z the weekend’z
    so catch up’z wiff you Monday’z xxxxxx

    Load’z of Hug’z

    Mollie and Alfie

  14. Pooch Smooches

    Oh! I almost missed this! (I had to stay off line most of Thur cuz my shoulder was messed up and it hurt to use the mouse.) Anyway – thank you so much for the kind words about the book! I’m SO glad you enjoyed it! It’s really sweet of you to mention it on your blog!! 🙂