Monday Mischief~Ruff Night #2

Remember yesterday for Black And White Sunday Gambler had a Ruff Night picture posted, if you missed it here it is again.


Bet you all were wondering why Gman had a ruff night? He really had a ruff afternoon at the AKC hunt test he entered that lead into a ruff night. Gambler and I were running a senior stake, Glory and I were running a junior stake. First to run was Gambler, he did a double on land, the live flyer station he had a bit of a hunt of it wasn’t bad and then he lined the blind (meaning he ran a straight path right to the blind). So I thought all went well. We then went over to juniors to run Glory. She had a live flyer first and she was so ampt’ed up she was bolting a head while I was still holding her. Once the judge released us she took off ran straight to the flyer, stopped short and hunted the area. Hunted and hunted and hunted and came back without the bird. Thank you for your donation to the club. So back to running Gman on water. He did his 2 water marks great now it was time for the blind. The wind had really picked up by now and there was a cross wind going across the pond he needed to swim to get to the other side to pick up his blind on land. He started off great on a straight line then he got off kilter and headed to the nearest point (the judge’s told us they didn’t want them to get on that point). I tried and tried to get him off the point but he had his mind made up. He then went left of the blind and wouldn’t take my cast’s to the blind as once again he thought he new best where it was. He was wrong and since he didn’t listen to me he got to come back with out the bird and a fail.

Soooooo that lead to a bid of mischief of drowning his sorrows and Glory’s since she failed too in a little wine.


Glory in disguise so no one knew she was hitting the bottle.


Gambler “Lookie, lookie Glory what I found”! “It’s a bottle of Rivers Gold.”

Glory “Perfect, I could use a little glass of wine to drown my sorrows.”


Glory “Do you think they will know it was us that drank two bottles of wine?”

Gambler “Nope, not a chance.”

The pooches party continued Sunday night as Glory ran another junior test on Sunday. She passed land but failed on water as the first water mark was a long mark across the pond up on the shore back against a tree line. She wouldn’t even get in the water. So much mischief was had by all this weekend.


Gambler & Glory, “Now here we sit with a hangover”! “Instead of a three dog night we had a two dog night twice and boy it was a ruff one.”


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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