The Fugitives Are Microchipped

When I have a litter of puppies, I microchip all the puppies before they go home. I do this because I want to make sure all my puppies have an identification system in place before they leave my home. I also do genetic testing when warranted so I like them microchipped when I do the tests so I know who is who and there is a record of the microchip along with the test results.

Microchip time.
Checking microchip.

I use AKC Reunite microchips. I insert the needle holding the microchip between the shoulder blades of the puppy, it is like giving a vaccination but a little bit bigger needle is used. I do it while the puppies are sleeping and they don’t even notice what went on. I scan the microchip afterwards and make sure it is inserted and reading properly.

Reading the chip.

I use the ISO microchips so that if the puppy needs to be shipped over seas the proper microchip is used for their standards.

Back to sleep.

The microchipping took no time at all, was painless and they were no worse for wear, they went back to sleep once it was done. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. You might be able to feel it in a very short haired dog but most generally you don’t feel it. It may move under the skin so when scanned the whole dog should be scanned to make sure it hasn’t moved and you didn’t miss it.

About the size of a grain of rice

Microchipping your pet is always a good idea because,

  1. It’s a way to prove the pet is yours if it’s stolen.
  2. It’s a way to get your lost dog back to you.
  3. Most pet’s don’t wear collars so it’s a back up identification method.
  4. If your pet wears a collar it might break or fall off.
  5. Disasters happen and it’s a way for displaced pets to make it back home to you.
  6. Microchips are required for traveling internationally.

6 Replies to “The Fugitives Are Microchipped”

  1. My GBGV Life

    Our breeder microchips pups before they leave too. Emma had 2 chips because some countries don’t put chips between the shoulder blades. Good they are already set with some ID.

  2. World Of Animals, Inc.

    Thanks for the share. We do microchipping at our veterinary hospital. We always try to tell pet owners that this will keep your little one safe or ever lost or stolen. It was great to visit your blog. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Jan K

    I didn’t even know that was something you could do yourself, or that it was required for international travel. I learned a lot today! 🙂
    I bet the new families are starting to get excited at every step that is taken. ♥