The Hunt ~Gambler

Gambler got to go with to Loan Oaks Shooting Preserve this past Saturday with Pearl and Glory. He was second dog out hunting as when we had Pearl out first Gambler was screaming in his dog bog after he heard the shots going off. He sounded like someone was killing him. He is a very excitable guy and when he wants to do something he loves he lets it be known to the world that it is his turn.

Out of the dog box he came and we were off. He is like a greyhound and can run, run, run, run. He was so excited to be out he was getting too far out in front of us and had to be whistled back in closer so if he did flush up a pheasant it wasn’t a mile away from us. Like I said in Pearl’s post from yesterday the cover was not good. We walked up and down different strips of cover in the field and no birds. We took him near the woods and no birds. I was feeling really bad for the guy that he wasn’t getting any birds. He ran and ran his little heart out.

Run run run

Run run run

I think I will point where I heard another gun go off

I think I will point where I heard another gun go off

Run some more and stop and listen

Run some more and stop and listen

We hunted about a hour and no birds to be found. I was sad that my little buddy didn’t get any birds. Time to go back and rest and get a fresh dog out and see if we can find some for Glory. (Glory’s hunt will be posted up later)

After we put Gambler back in the dog box another hunter hunting in the field next to ours said that he had his limit and told us that we could have his field. He told us where he went and didn’t go so we could take our dogs threw those spots he didn’t hunt. We got Glory out, hunted with her and then put her back and got Gambler out again to try for another shot at getting him a bird.

Upon walking out to the new field Gambler flushed up some birds by the pen. He was a distance from us so the guys didn’t bother shooting. We got him back and he ran and ran and ran and still couldn’t find a bird. He did come across a dead pheasant that someone else shot and couldn’t find. He was pretty proud of himself that he found a bird. He carried it along with as we were walking back. We ended up going to one other spot, nothing there so walked back to the truck and on the way back he got birdie. I told the guys to get ready then Gambler laid down and rolled on something and then got up and hit a spot and 2 roosters got up and flew off. The guys shot at them but they weren’t expecting anything to be there after Gambler was rolling and nothing got up. No birds for Gambler. We continued to walk back to the truck and he got birdie again and then he flushed up a hen, Mike shot and got it and Gambler finally had his one retrieve. Back to the truck with you for a rest.

More walking

More walking

The shot and miss

The shot and miss

Bird in the air another miss

Bird in the air another miss

I finally got one

I finally got one

Hot stuff

Hot stuff

Yes I finally got one

Yes I finally got one

Sitting pretty

Sitting pretty

Look at all these birds

Look at all these birds

I think I should have more than one

I think I should have more than one

Gambler drew the short straw and only got one bird but he did have a good time getting exercise and being out with us hunting is all that matters. Doesn’t matter how many you get, it’s about the time spent out in the field with friends.

5 Replies to “The Hunt ~Gambler”

  1. 2browndawgs

    Gambler sounds a lot like Storm. She cries and whines if she isn’t the one hunting and then is so excited that she gets too far out. lol I am so glad Gambler finally got a retrieve. He looks so proud. Those are are great pictures and it looks like the hunters got a mess of birds. 🙂

    1. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      We end up with 8 birds, down from any other time we go hunting there. He normally has so many scratch birds you can shoot until your pocketbook is empty. Not this day thou, I really thing the cover had alot to do with it, it wasn’t holding the birds and they were all going back to the pen or by the house that is on the property. I felt so bad for the gman.

      JoAnn Stancer N8767 Larson Rd Cambria, WI 53923 920-948-7738

  2. Pingback: The Hunt ~Glory « Sand Spring Chesapeakes