This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

“A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

Yesterday I went training like I do each Wednesday at my friend Sandy Dollar’s-Cur-san’s property. She has such nice property with great technical ponds, channel ponds, lots of land space. It is a dog trainers dream and I am lucky enough to be able to train with her. She is so patient and helpful when I need training tips. She is been into breeding and training Chesapeake’s since 1967. I didn’t get Norman from Sandy but his pedigree is from Cur-San’s lines along with Caroway lines. Stop by and check out Cur-san’s Kennels.

Here are some pictures of our training day. We had Labrodor’s, Golden’s and Chesapeake’s running.


Sandy Running Cutter


Tom and his lab


One of Sandy’s Chesapeakes





Dick and Calvin






I went and bought more day old pheasants last Friday. I now have around 150 pheasant chicks. They are all doing good. I do loose one hear and there for whatever reason. The dogs like to go out and feed the chicks with me and they are forever trying to find a way in.


That’s it for today, I leave you with this…..


Here’s looking at you kid! More on Mr. Peacock later.

This is a blog Hop!

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7 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. Miss Harper Lee

    The picture of Cash leaping into the water is beautiful. I feel a little guilty that I’ve just been lying around the back yard all morning while my mommy paints furniture!

  2. 2browndawgs

    I did not realize that you trained with Sandy Dollar. Misty Shores is right Cutter is Freighter’s daddy. Loved seeing the picture of him running. Cash has quite a water entry! I loved all of your pictures today. Just wonderful. Thanks so much for participating in TNT!

    1. JoAnn

      small world..i didn’t realize that cutter was his dad. i think i have a couple more pictures of cutter i took. sandy lives about 40 miles from me. making it a point to go train once a week there.

      JoAnn Stancer Sent from my U.S. Cellular® Android-powered phone

    2. Sand Spring Chesapeakes

      Small world it is. I didn’t realize Cutter was Freighters dad. I took some other pictures of Cutter and will post them up for you. Sandy is only 40 miles from me so I’ve been trying to get to her house each wednesday for training. Wonderful gal and great property.

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