This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”

This is a little of this and that about the show-The UKC Premier 2013

I am in Kalamazoo, MI this week for The UKC Premier with my friend Kathy from Whiskey Creek Chesapeakes. We both have dogs that were in the UKC Top Ten standings for 2012 so we got invited to the UKC Top Ten invitational. We are spending the week here doing conformation, dock jumping and lure coursing. We might even sneak off to do the Barn Rat Hunt. Here are a few photos of our adventure so far.


Scrub a dub dub, Glory in the tub!


Gman under the dryer.




Kathy’s girls Evin and Violet wanting to come by me to sneak kibble from me.


Violet loving me up!


Me getting a very pretty show lead from Kathy to show one of the dogs with this week.


Can you see the cute duckies on it?

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Glory-ous looking very pretty in her new show lead.


Gman stealing Pinky. He left us and jumped in the truck and came running back with her!

Today was the United Retriever Specialty. Kathy was showing Duke and Evin, I was showing Gambler and Glory. We were all in the Champion class going for legs towards our grand champion title. We needed to find 2 extra handlers to show one of our dogs as they were all in the ring at the same time. We were getting close to the wire and we finally found two gals to show one of our dogs. Glory being in heat I decided to show her so Shelly showed Gambler. Around the ring we went and low and behold Judge Pam Moore chose Gambler as BOB! How exciting is that he now has one leg out of 5 for his grand champion title. After everyone showed their dogs the United Specialty club had a Total Retriever parade. To be in the parade your dog has to have a performance title and a show title. Both Duke and Gambler were in the parade because they have HRC titles and a UCH. They got a really cool ribbon for being a Total Retriever!

A couple pictures from the show.






Gambler and his stand in handler Shelly.



Kathy and Evin.


Glory and I.


Jen the stand in handler for Duke Dog.

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And the winner is……..Gambler! He took Best Of Breed for the Chesapeakes at the United Retriever Specialty.


Going back into the Gun Dog Group ring. The Flatcoat won the Best In Specialty Show.


Gambler and his Total Retriever ribbon!


Poor pitiful Gambler with his lovely ribbons and basket of goodies.

Tomorrow is the Top Ten conformation show, lure coursing and dock jumping.

Go Team Giblet & Glory-ous and Team Whiskey Creek!!

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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8 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. 2browndawgs

    I am totally and completely impressed that you are posting from the Premier and joining my hop. I bow to your superior blogger prowess. 🙂

    Congrats to Gman. Very cools ribbons and loot. The Premier sounds like so much fun. UKC events are always really fun. I have had the best time at some of their hunt tests.

    I like the outdoor rings at that facility. We haven’t been in a few years though. The AKC show over Memorial weekend used to be well attended by Chessies, but hasn’t been the last couple of years.

    Best of luck today!

  2. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!
    Congratulations! What an exciting show for y’all!
    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Heart Like A Dog (@HeartLikeADog)

    Wow great job JoAnn!! You guys are kicking butt. I too am impressed that you are blogging and facebooking from the show. It’s exciting, it almost feels like we’re there!

    I didn’t realize they allowed dogs in season to show, is that not the case?

  4. FleaByte

    CONGRATULATIONS! How impressive! Your dogs really are amazing! (I love the little duckies)