This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what they have to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…
“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want! Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes! So grab the button and join the hop!”

This past Saturday the gang got to so some pheasant hunting. Just as soon as we left the truck and hit the field they kicked up their first pheasant which Glory finally got to retrieve. We then continued on our walk, Gambler and Glory were hot on the scent of a pheasant. Gambler flushed it up, I shot and missed because it came right at me and was above my head when I shot. It went past me and John shot it. It landed in the water so Gambler got a water retrieve.

If you click HERE you can go into my Sand Spring Facebook page and see the video of the water retrieve.

Gambler and Glory love to be out hunting.


We continue on our way and went to the end of the trail where their were 2 pheasants that I kicked up during the week that I didn’t get. We took a chance that there would be one there. Low and behold there was one there. All dogs got on it but Gman was the winner who retrieved it.


All and all it was a great day. We were one shy of our limit but wasn’t because of enough birds, it was because of poor shooting.


Even know Glory didn’t win at the show on Sunday we got some practice in the ring which is always good.






Tuesday I had off of work so I took the gang hunting then also. It was a day of exercise as we didn’t flush up any birds. A day just being out hunting even if don’t get anything is a great day!



Gambler doing wheelies.

Nellie in the brush.

Nellie in the brush.

What you talking about, didn't get anything? I got a possium.

What you talking about, didn’t get anything? I got a possium.

Beautiful Glory.

Beautiful Glory.

A little of that:

DSC_0414 DSC_0416

I have a favor to ask of my blogging friends. My friends Chesapeake Lewis has Canine Epilepsy, no one or no animal should have to go through a life of seizures, any help on our part even if small like “liking” a facebook page is beneficial to help out this cause.

Today Three Scoops Of Vanilla is hosting a fund raiser for The Wally Foundation.

This is what The Wally Foundation says about the fund raiser today and how to help out:

The Wally Foundation (TWF), a resource to assist owners of epileptic dogs and dog rescues afford epileptic medications and treatments, will be holding a fundraiser today, November 14th. The artist and owner of Three Scoops of Vanilla, Erin, has created custom jewelery pieces for TWF and Epilepsy Month. This will be a ONE DAY ONLY fundraiser hosted by Three Scoops Of Vanilla. TWF will be the only group featured on the 14th so 25% of ALL sales that day will go to The Wally Foundation automatically. Erin makes beautiful jewelry and other items. Please go to the link here and check out Erin’s website at

BECAUSE… she also offers an auction item during our event on her FB page. She auctions it off and at the close of the auction the high bidder pays Three Scoops of Vanilla a portion of their bid and pays TWF the remaining portion of their bid. 20% of the high bid goes to TWF automatically BUT we have the opportunity to receive a higher portion of the high bid by sending new fans to the Three Scoops of Vanilla Facebook page. Each new fan that she gets DURING our event gives us 1% of an increase in the amount of the auction item that we will get. For example: Let’s say to keep it easy, the auction item goes for $100. TSOV would get $80.00 and TWF would get $20.00 UNLESS new fans showed up that day and lets say 34 people became new fans during the event, we would now get $54.00 instead of the $20.00 from the high bid. We can actually get up to 100% of the high bid by doing this, all we need is just to have folks “LIKE”

You can also stop by TWF fan page Thursday morning for more information. Or you can make donations to TWF via our website,, and look for the Paypal button.


This is the piece up for auction.


Next, head over to Three Scoops and order your custom TWF fundraiser bracelet. Go through this link, to the “Custom Bracelet” (third one down).

TWF will also receive 25% of the total sales we purchase today from Three Scoops today (not just our custom and auction pieces) so make sure Erin knows the order is for TWF!

Here is the custom piece you can order.


Thank you for all your help and PLEASE SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!


Did you Know November is Epilepsy Awareness Month? So hop on over and help out The Wally Foundation.

Thank you!

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs & co-host Ruckus the Eskie see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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8 Replies to “This ‘N That Thursday”

  1. FleaByte

    Pheasants are such beautiful birds. I have a box full of their wings and feathers that taunt me. I don’t yet know what to do with them, but it will come to me eventually.

  2. Jan K

    So glad you’ve been out doing some hunting, and enjoying yourselves even when you weren’t successful….though it looks like you’ve been doing pretty well!
    Our late golden retriever Moses had seizures….his were mild and infrequent, but still….I’m happy to help if I can. Liking a page is so simple so that’s the least I could do. That bracelet is beautiful too, as well as the other jewelry on her site.

  3. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for participating in TNT. Sounds like a couple of great days hunting. Love the pictures. 🙂 I am glad I got here in time to “like” the FB page. 🙂

  4. weliveinaflat

    In the middle of the post, the hunting pictures have pretty extreme light and shadow, is it because of the time you took them? November seems to be the month for many different causes. I hope they all achieve their targets.

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