Thursday Barks And Bytes


Today’s Barks starts with my first therapy dog visit with Gambler and Glory. We received our certification on December 4th 2013.

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Friday January 17, 2014 was our first visit at a elementary school. We visited a class with emotional, behavioral disorders. The children each get a allotted amount of time to read to Gambler and Glory. Each dog comes in alone with me and lays on their blanket that I made just for visits.

Glory on her blanket getting ready for the children.

Glory on her blanket getting ready for the children.

Some children had cookies on their desks.

Some children had cookies on their desks.

Gambler in the hall waiting for his turn.

Gambler in the hall waiting for his turn.

Both dogs had a great visit. Gambler was a little antsy as he wanted the cookie on the child’s desk that he had to stare at the whole visit so lesson learned. If cookies in the area ask the teacher to move them so Gambler pays attention to the student. Our next visit is tomorrow.

Another Bark: During the winter months we are lucky enough to have the Eagles visit us. We do feed them scrapes from our hunts so they are more apt to stick around which they have. Here are a few pictures of them. The first one is by my house the second ones are around the section from my house on my property by the marsh.


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A gambler funny for today….

A friend of mine dropped off a fox for John to skin and sell the hide. Gambler being the big brave boy that he is was so afraid of the fox. He did ask the fox a question so lets all listen and see what Gamber asks.

lgthe queen of hearts

Can you believe Gambler has a date for the Queen Of Hearts Dance? He does, he does! It was a match made in heaven by

Easy & Frankbooth Come back next Thursday during Barks And Bytes and find out who the lucky lady is.

And a little bytes for the end:



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.

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13 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes”

  1. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    Oh what a beautiful photo of the eagle. We have them nesting at the shore but my Human rarely is able to get a good photo of them.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  2. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for participating in Barks and Bytes. MK sure is grown up to be a pretty kitty. The video is silly and the eagle pictures are just great. Sounds like you had a wonderful therapy visit despite the cookies. Can’t wait to hear more about them.

  3. Jodi

    Thanks for joining the blog hop JoAnn. I’m so glad you clarified Glory and the cookie, at first I thought she was thinking the children looked tasty. 🙂

    I love the video of Gambler and the fox, you did a good job on it!!

  4. easyweimaraner

    I agree with Gambler with cookies on the desk I had no eyes and ears for the sories of the children. The video is great, I think the fox says something like : ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding :o)

  5. FleaByte

    The reading with kids sounds like so much fun! Poor dear, wanting that cookie the whole time. And your eagle! We get them here in Tulsa in January, too. They have such a wide range! In Florida we saw them most of the year.

  6. Jan K

    Lots of great stuff there!! So glad the visits went well…love the Eagle….ha ha, didn’t expect Gambler to speak in that voice!! MK looks adorable in that photo!