Thursday Barks And Bytes


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog. Thank you for this hop.
The Barks:
influencer I am a member of Blogpaws Pet Blogger Influencer Group. This is what Blogpaws says about us:The BlogPaws Pet Blogger Influencer Group is a targeted group of our community members. NON-BRAND pet bloggers and microbloggers are welcome to apply and join.Be part of a trend-setting panel of pet bloggers/microbloggers/pet parents who enjoy sharing their opinions and being a valued voice in the ever-growing pet blogosphere.

We the members of Blogpaws Pet Blogger Influencer Group take part in monthly surveys. The results of the surveys are going to be put into infographics. The first infographic is done and I am sharing it with my followers. Here are the results of our survey.


Pretty interesting, you you fall into any of these categories?

I finally had some time to hang up Gambler & Glory’s certificates and ribbons. Here are the walls in my laundry/dog room.

Gamblers wall behind door.

Gamblers wall behind door.

Left half of wall is Gamblers.

Left half of wall is Gamblers.

Right half of wall is Glory's.

Right half of wall is Glory’s.

Norman's wall.

Norman’s wall.

Nellie's wall.

Nellie’s wall.

I put Glory’s AKC show ribbons in a couple of fruit jars and put them by her pencil drawing.

Glory and her ribbons.

Glory and her ribbons.

St. Patty’s day is just around the corner, here is the whole picture I have been teasing you with. Check back starting Saturday with my Nothing But Norman post and start seeing a few days of St. Patty day fun.


The Bytes:

Last week you may of seen this picture along with this post on facebook.


I believe every person and animal has a purpose on earth. It wasn’t until this morning that I realized MK’s purpose. Her purpose was to come into my life when Norman was ill to have him teach her the ropes about taking his place. She had 5 months to learn and she did a excellent job. MK hasn’t slept with me very often since Norman is gone (she used to sleep next to him) but last night she jumped up on the bed in Normans spot. This morning I had another dream about Norman and what a great dream it was. He was so full of life. I bathed the gang today, when it was Glory’s turn and I was calling for her MK came running into the bathroom for her shower just like it was Norman’s turn. It was then that I realized a part of Norman is in MK and she is taking on some of his roles. Peace.

photo 5

Since that night MK has been joining the gang at bedtime and coming on the bed with them. She won’t stay all night but she stays for awhile. Thanks MK for making me smile.

Now the rest of the story,

My gator wrap.

My gator wrap.

I wrote my gator post so fast that I forgot to tell you all what happened after we got the gators. Many of you left comments on what I did with the meat. The guide took the gators to a butcher from there he skinned them out sent the hides to be tanned and cut up the meat. He froze the meat and sent it back to us. The skins and skulls came later. It cost $300.00 to ship all the meat back to us. It was well worth it. I shared my gator meat with all my friends, I basically cooked it one way. I cut it up into cubes breaded it and deep fried it. It was really tasty. Everyone who ate it was impressed that it tasted so good. The skull I took to the beetle man and his beetles ate the meat off the skull. I have the skull on my shelf and the hide is hanging off my staircase. A great adventure indeed!

photo 1 photo 2

Come back tomorrow for FitDog Friday and This Moment~See Beautiful.

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19 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes”

  1. weliveinaflat

    awwww MK…. such a good cat 🙂 and omg…. that’s a lot of certificates and ribbons… where do you even find time to blog…. or take pictures of green grumpy dogs haha. I use a lot of baby wipes too 😉

  2. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining the Barks and Bytes hop. Interesting graphic. It is fun to see what other bloggers are thinking.

    I love the way you display your ribbons and certificates. We have a room with most of ours displayed too. I like that you painted your room the colors of hunt test ribbons. 🙂

    My doggies did not escape St. Patty’s day either….lucky them. 🙂 I am glad MK makes you smile.

  3. easyweimaraner

    MK is a wonderful cat, sometimes it seems they can read our minds and they always know when we need a hug or a purr. I love your wall decoration, every piece is a memory, that’s just great!

  4. Jan K

    Who would have thought that the cat would be the one to comfort you over Norman? That is so cool.
    When anyone comes to your house, it must take a while to do a tour of all your great displays, between the awards and ribbons for the dogs, and the hunting trophies!
    The St. Patty’s Day photo is too funny….I love it.

  5. Sue

    Love your ribbons display! (And those orange walls). I love your gator story, but for me there’s a bit of an ick factor 😉

  6. Pooch Smooches

    Wow, that’s a lotta ribbons! Heehee, love the St. Paddy’s shot. Thanks for the additional info on what happened with the gators. Rita has some gator treats and she loves them! The skull looks really cool. (A beetle man?! Wow – never heard of that before! Kinda… creepy.)

  7. Jodi

    Thanks for joining the hop. Wow what a wall of trophies you have there. You must be so proud of the Sand Spring gang!!

    I saw that post about MK on Facebook, it’s a beautiful thought and I’m glad she is there with you to keep reminding you of your special boy.