Thursday Barks And Bytes~Early Goose

This past Monday was the start of the early goose season here in Wisconsin. Since Monday was Labor Day John and I both could go hunting. We went with a couple friends of ours and Dustin our friends 11 year old son. He started hunting last year under the mentor program. He will be mentored until the age of 13. John and I got to bring Gambler and Glory as our pick up dogs for the morning. Gambler needed a little refresher course on hunting in a field and laying down quietly besides me. Glory had no problem with that task.

See Gambler I can lay nicely in the field, why don’t you take some lessons from me?

I took my Nikon D60 in the field with me and when I got home and looked at the pictures I remembered from last year in Canada that I couldn’t take pictures in the early morning as it was just getting light because I didn’t know what settings to use. It happened again this year, all the pictures in the early morning were all blurred, so if anyone has any tips for me I would love to hear them as I have to figure this out by the end of September when we are going to Canada again.

This is about the best one.

Another one.

All is get is a big blur.

Dustin his dad and our friend Justin who owns Riley.

We had a good hunt for opening morning. We ended up with 11 geese. I know I for sure shot one and Dustin said “I think I got one too”! He does such a good job hunting with us and he really enjoys it. He is so respectful of the dogs and is really cautious when he is shooting. When hunting was over Glory hung out with Dustin.

Hi Glory, let’s explore.

Hi Dustin, whatcha got?

I got a hole.

You want to look?

Good girl Glory, your my pal.

One happy boy.

Who’s more happy? Gambler or Dustin?

Some miscellaneous pictures.

Glory sitting pretty.

Glory standing pretty.

Gambler guarding the birds.

Our geese with the dogs.

Group photo.

We had a great hunt. In the afternoon we went dove hunting, stop back tomorrow and see the pictures from that hunt.


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.


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12 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes~Early Goose”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I have no idea for the cam, but the same problem. I asked the cam-guy and he said, I have to use ISO 100, and an aperture between 7 and 11 and I should take RAW images (think that’s called NEF at Nikon, can it be?) to make editing via pc easier. I sometimes have the feeling that this cam-beast is much smarter than me :o)

  2. Will and Eko

    For your camera, try operating it in “shutter priority” mode. If you set the shutter to anywhere from 1/250 to 1/1000 depending on circumstance, it should “freeze” the images you shoot. In shutter priority mode, the camera will automatically adjust aperture and ISO for you

  3. Jodi

    I think boy dogs are similar to boy humans, they mature slower than the females. 🙂 Gambler will get there. Looks like you had a great time!!

    Thank you for joining the hop!!

  4. 2 Brown Dawgs

    Looks like you had a fabulous day. I love all of your pictures. Don’t you know, you meant for them to come out the way they came out…lol. Thanks so much for joining the hop!

  5. Emmadog

    Mom doesn’t hunt, but if she did, she says the only thing she would kill would be the Canadian Geese because they are such an overpopulated nuisance! As for the setttings, Mom is finally getting better at manual mode in different light types. You need a high shutter speed for motion, so you have to adjust the ISO up to maybe 800 or 1600, get the light set correctly and then see if you can use a shutter speed of at least 500, 1000 is better. Make sure you are using the right lens as well. Sometimes we have shots that are too dark, but we can lighten them with photoshop.

  6. Beth

    Wow! Even blurry, the pictures are still cool! I’ve never been hunting, but Barley used to enjoy helping my dad herd the Canada geese out of his yard and to back to the pond in the neighborhood!

  7. Beth | Daily Dog Tag

    Will and Elko are right. Besides using Shutter speed priority, you can set it to AF-C for continuous auto focus. That way you should be able to take some great action shots in quick succession. (Be sure to test this out before you go to Canada!) Emmadog is right too, higher ISO means you can shoot at faster shutter speeds. If you have a very high IS0 (1600-2000) your photos will be grainier, so it is something you have to factor in. Some of the new professional cameras can handle really high ISO and still produce great images.

  8. fozziemum

    Great pics..and learning the best settings can be tricky…there are a lot of really easy blogs and sites to show you which is can take time but it will become second nature..:) hugs Fozziemum

  9. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    My Human doesn’t always get the settings right in light changes. She wants to catch the moment and throws it into auto and I’m a giant blur!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog