Thursday Barks And Bytes~Hunt Test Friends

The Barks:

This past weekend you know we went to a UKC HRC hunt test where Gambler competed in two finished level tests. While at the hunt test we watched a couple of our hunt test friends run their dogs. I took some pictures of them running. First up The Mini Chessie from yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday post. Who and what is a Mini Chessie you ask? The Mini Chessie is Fibber and she is a Boykin Spaniel. The Boykins just happen to have some Chesapeake Bay Retriever in their ancestry. I’ve had the privilege of hunting with these little dogs last November on a pheasant hunt. They are some really cool dogs that do really great work. You will be seeing more of Ted and Trigger my hunting buddies this fall as I’m sure we will be doing more hunting together. Now on to more pictures of Fibber.

Next pictures are of my friend Cheri and her red lab Church.

We had a great time at the hunt test. Such nice people and dogs.

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10 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes~Hunt Test Friends”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I like dog events for the dogs and for the people. Think it’s like being on the “right place” for a while . I never heard about this Spaniels, I will follow the link, that’s an interesting breed.

  2. Jan K

    It must be so much fun to see all the different breeds of dogs at work, as well as hanging out with people that you have so much in common with!

  3. Jodi

    Church looks like my Sampson. 🙂 Do they call them red labs? I’ve not heard of that.

    Good job at the hunt test and thank you for joining the blog hop!!

  4. Hawk aka BrownDog

    Hi Y’all!

    The Boykins are common here in the southeast. Many people think they are some kind of American spaniel. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of them being referred to as a mini Chessie. I almost was a Boykin, but then my Humans decided they really wanted another Chessie.

    Y”all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  5. SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)

    Thanks for the photos – Certainly a spaniel, you can really see it. Love the picture of your friend. My Max was a fox red Lab like that…so dark and she whelped an array of colors from pure white to her same dark color.