Thursday Barks And Bytes~Portraits



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog
The Barks:
Took the dogs down to the pond for some training and then some fun. There was a nice patch of pompass grass by the pond so I decided to set the dogs up and take some portraits.
Momma Nellie and Daughter Glory
The Bytes:
MK and her portraits.
If you didn’t catch MK part 3 on SlimKitty this week, hop on over here to read her latest ordeal.
Last but not least my step son Dug who had been on vacation at Stancerville for the past two weeks. Let me tell you it is hard photographing a black dog. When I read other’s say that I thought “really” how hard can it be. But it is hard!
Stop back tomorrow to find out what the gang did for FitDog Friday.

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15 Replies to “Thursday Barks And Bytes~Portraits”

  1. fozziemum

    Beautiful pictures indeed..i love seeing an older pup with the wise eyes and greying muzzle…and yes it is very hard to capture black dogs and cats!! so well done 🙂 and I love those kitty ears so b=very much like a lynx 🙂 hugs Fozziemum xx

  2. Dogs N Pawz

    Your dogs and kitty are all beautiful! Love the picture of Dug! I agree that it is really hard to take pictures of black dogs:( I have the hardest time getting good pictures of Teddy.

  3. FleaByte

    What beautiful photos of EVERYONE! And yes, it IS tough photographing black dogs. You did great!

  4. Jodi

    Beautiful photos, absolutely stunning. And yes, I hear you on photographing a black dog, I struggle with Delilah too. Some folks seem to make it look so effortless, I’m not one of them. I’m lucky to get a decent shot!!

    Thanks for joining the blog hop!! I’m off to read about MK’s latest…

  5. easyweimaraner

    They are fabulous, I could spend hours watching the eyes of dogs :o) I like the two black spots on Mk’s nose and on her chin. and yes, it’s a mission impossible to take good pictures from a black dog. I made 87 pictures of a black pug at the show and all what I got was a black spot, what looks like The Blob. But Dug was smart and showed his tongue so you got some contrast-points :o)

  6. Emmadog

    I am a dog, so it is upsetting me to bark the truth. The dog photos are great, but MK is the most photogenic of all!

  7. 2browndawgs

    Those are wonderful pictures. I think you did a fab job with Dug. You can see his eyes clearly. 🙂 Thanks so much for joining our hop!