Thursday’s Barks And Bytes



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.
The Barks:
Had a rain day yesterday so finally tackled adding social media buttons to my sidebar. Hugh thanks goes out to Melissa at Barking From The Bayou for the link on how to do this. It took me about a hour. Still waiting for the gal who made the buttons to see if she can get me a pinterest one.

How do you like them? I am also in the process of reloading some pictures from 15 blog posts in May that I deleted because I ran out of space on my free wordpress account. I guess 3 GB only holds 6000 pictures…that is not nearly enough. So I can pay for a upgrade, go self hosted or for now load my photos on another photo site like photobucket and then add the link. It’s a extra step but doing it for now until I figure out which way I want to go. I always manage to make more work for myself when I am limited on my time as it is. bloopers, MK was the major photo bomber. I swear she is no where’s around until I get the camera out to do a photo shoot then she come bombing in from no where’s.

The start of MK photo bombing.

The finish of the photo bombing.

My facebook followers probably saw by now that Miss Glory didn’t pass either of her Senior Hunter tests this weekend. She was so darn close on Saturday. She made it through 2 series and went out on the last water blind. Sunday she started with a fabulous land series followed by the water blind which she went out on again. Thank you for all your good lucks and encouragement, we will keep at the training and this weekend both dogs get to run in a UKC HRC event both days.

I can always count on my friend Amy to pick me up when I am down. She shared this beautiful song with me to remind me what Glory, Gambler and I will accomplish. It’s not how fast we accomplish our goals it’s the time spent doing them and never loosing the joy in it. That is what I need to remember!

John and Glory doing the honor while Glory lays down.

When we got done with the hunt test we did a little training.

Miss Glory

The Gman

I finally played around with the +/- on my camera to get differnt colors and I really like how the green is so dark in Gamblers pictures. Will have to keep playing with that.

The Bytes:

MK continues to enjoy her time outside when we are out.

Whatcha doing?

Hello there!

Mia is still growing. I just love when I go over and see her and she hears my voice and comes a running and wiggling the whole way.


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14 Replies to “Thursday’s Barks And Bytes”

  1. ThatJenK

    Only 6000 photos?! Now you’ve prompted me to check my storage space… I’m about 60% full and at just over 1000 photos. Guess there will be an upgrade or something in my WordPress future eventually.
    Too bad about Glory, but good luck this weekend!

  2. Bailey

    Sorry she didn’t make it. I’m going to have to address the picture issue in Blogger in the not too distant future.

  3. amywern

    And let’s see how good “I” am at taking that advice when I’m cussing and swearing as we try to train our next pup. LOL

  4. easyweimaraner

    OMD the look they gave MK in the last picture! lol I wish you all the luck of this slice earth for the hunting test on weekend. Your friend Amy is right, never losing the joy in it, that’s the key, no matter what happened. ( but it’s darned hard to carry on when things go wrong, I know) I will try to remember your friend Amy next weekend :o)

  5. Jodi

    I’m sure you are disappointed with the two G’s, BUT you will get there. It’s just a matter of when.

    As for the photo bomber, Delilah is the same way. She hates having her picture taken, but as soon as I go to take Sampson’s she sticks her big melon in the way. 🙂

    Have a great one and thank you for joining the blog hop!!

  6. Miss Harper Lee

    My blogging assistant (aka human Mommy) is going to have to address the photo issue very soon also. She’s been procrastinating a bit on that. 🙂 I just love what you said about the time spent pursuing your goals and never losing the joy. That is so important to remember, and you’ll get there!

  7. 2browndawgs

    Thanks so much for joining the hop. Sorry about Glory’s tests. Been there. Done that. Back to training. 🙂 Nestle is just like MK. She shows up when I am trying to get pictures of the dogs. If I was trying to take her picture, she would vanish. lol Love your new social media icons. Very cute.

  8. Dogs N Pawz

    I like your new social media buttons. I want to redo some things on my blog but never seem to have time. MK is so cute! She makes a great photo bomber! And Glory and Gambler will get there! Patience my friend, Patience!!!!!

  9. Jan K

    Cats are expert photo bombers….especially when there are treats around!
    That’s too bad about your photos, I didn’t know that about When I originally started my blog the advice I read was to go self hosted so that’s what I did, and now I can see at least one of the advantages of that. It was a lot of work though. I like your buttons! I keep wanting to do something like that, but everything takes time, and as you said we never seem to have enough of it!