Thursday’s Barks And Bytes~Faces

The Barks: Pictures of faces.




The Bytes:

I would like to give a big shout out to Following Roy who was so nice to award me with the Shine On Award. Thank you so much I will display it proudly on my Awards page.

So here are the rules of the award:

1.) Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you. CHECK

2.) Acknowledge that blogger on your blog, and link back. CHECK

3.) Share seven random things about yourself

1. Summer is my favorite season, I love it hot.

2. I owned a Chihuahua when I was in middle/high school and took it to college where I had to bring it back home as it wanted to bit others.

3. I owned a cat names Smegie Smegma Lips. She was a hit by car stray that has puss coming out of her ear when she was brought into the clinic and then I adopted her.

4. I love pasta, pizza and seafood.

5. I used to sort mail when in collage and was pretty darn fast at it.

6. I don’t care for my middle name of Sue.

7. I used to be on a bowling league when I was in middle school, my dad and I won first place in a tournament too.

4.) Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs. NOT CHECKED

I am being a poop and skipping #4. I am lucky to get this post done in time to post as I am super busy trying to train my gang so they stop failing hunt tests, I have another hunt test this weekend so concentrating on that. I would like anyone who hasn’t gotten this fabulous award to go ahead and grab it and display it proudly on your page also.

Mia is continuing to grow like a week. Here she is running up to me she is always super excited to see me at Sunday supper.


The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.



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12 Replies to “Thursday’s Barks And Bytes~Faces”

  1. easyweimaraner

    I will follow Roy, of course :o) The only dog who has bitten my mom seriously (4 stitches) was a chihuahua :o) I’m not sure if I would brave enough to call this kitty by her name in public :o) It’s like a miracle how fast puppies grow… today you can take them under your arm and tomorrow they are bigger than you :o) but it’s a little sad that this wonderful puppy-time is over so fast :o)

  2. Sue

    Love those furry faces 🙂 Had to laugh that you don’t like your middle name … to tell you the truth, I hate it! LOL (I’ve been stuck with Sue since high school and certainly not by choice!)

  3. Jan K

    Those are some good looking and happy faces!
    I don’t blame you for skipping #4…I think saying thank you is the most important part of those awards anyway (and I always love learning the little tidbits about you too). Working with your dogs is the most important thing!

  4. Beth

    That flower picture just melts my heart! They’re all gorgeous pictures, though! Good luck with the training!

  5. pawedblog

    Such beautiful photo’s. The flower on Glory’s head is just the cutest thing! Congratulations on the award, loved reading your facts!
    Hugs, Carrie and pups x